Coming Soon. The Plan- A Guide to The Re-Enslaving of a - TopicsExpress


Coming Soon. The Plan- A Guide to The Re-Enslaving of a People) Preview: IF a group of people were intent on enslaving another group of people I suppose the would use the Supreme Court to get rid of the laws that guarantees the rights of those people. Rolling backwards the gains made in the civil eights movement. They would deny them a good education by warehousing their populations in urban areas and underfunding those schools. Keeping them from achieving and determining their own futures This keeps them dependent upon government assistance which also keeps them, their whereabouts and the locations of their families in registered government databases which makes them easy to track... (ie: SS#, Number of family members,race, etc...) They would enact Stand Your Ground laws which allow.people to kill ANYONE they SAY they are afraid of EVEN WHEN THEY THEMSELVES START THE ALTERCATION. A license to kill. Add that to new laws that allows carrying a weapon anywhere as well as CONVICTED FELONS to apply stand your ground EVEN THOUGH its AGAINST THE LAW for them to carry AT ALL. Allowing for one group to legally kill the other at will Elevate a few tokens from this group to keep tabs on them ans to help the oppressors spread lies and propaganda to lull us into thinking things are better when truly they are much worse Deny Healthcare to them so that you shorten their lifespans Suppress their right to vote so they have no say in their government Use the Media to spread Fear,anger and misinformation to INFLAME the gun toting folks into more killing and cause separation ans isolation from the rest of America And FIRST and FOREMOST INCARCERATE and JAIL that Populations MALE WARRIORS AHEAD OF TIME so that this group cannot Fight Back later Any of this look familiar because it has happened before and its happening again Right Here The Plan Coming Soon P.S. Black folks we are NOT off the hook because we are WILLFULLY PARTICIPANTS in this plan. Im going to spell it all out
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 14:45:58 +0000

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