Concerned parent says I need some help with my step-daughter with - TopicsExpress


Concerned parent says I need some help with my step-daughter with Aspergers and ADHD... She has been very curious most of her life about her private area. She has always rubbed herself against things, or made mention her private parts. Seeing as how she has done this since she was a small toddler, we found it to be a natural curiosity. She is now 7 years old and in 2nd grade. She has gotten worse with her curiosity and it is honestly scaring us. Recently, her teachers brought it up to her mother that she was touching and talking about her area. Her mother took her to the family doctor and determined that she is showing signs of OCD behavior. Knowing that what she is doing is wrong, she still feels the NEED to do it. She has been on medication for OCD for about three weeks now and I dont see anything getting better, I see it getting worse. Over the Summer she was at the pool with her Aunt and asked a complete stranger to see his private parts. I was in shock. I was terrified. I was at a complete loss as to how to approach her about it. She knew what she was doing was wrong but she was doing it anyway. I tried explaining to her that she could get very hurt doing that and that some people are not nice and wont take her back to her aunt or mom. Some people are scary and would hurt her. I know that seems like maybe too much but she already knew it was wrong I needed her to know WHY it was wrong. She is very smart, as most children with this problem are. She will not stop touching herself or talking about it though. Im so scared that she will get herself into a bad situation with someone and be hurt because of her extreme curiosity. What do you think about this? Have other parents been where we are now? Does medication really help? I hate giving it to her. We dont have her or her brother primarily. They live with their mom. When she comes home for the weekends and holidays we hear about all of these things. This morning I took her to school and talked to her teacher who mentioned to me that yesterday Madison was talking about seeing her (the teacher) naked. I am so worried about my child and I dont know how to help her.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:50:05 +0000

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