Congress is in session this week, as a final series of legislative - TopicsExpress


Congress is in session this week, as a final series of legislative days before their five week August recess. Nows not a time to coast. There are critical issue fights and potentially votes happening this week. Things we are looking forward to: --A hearing on alleged corruption at the Ex-Im Bank happening tomorrow --The Senate could potentially vote on the conservative Transportation Empowerment Act (TEA) as an amendment Things we are concerned about: --A vote on a compromise to add another $15 billion in funding to the Department of Veterans Affairs, leaked to the press but with no legislative language available yet --There are rumors of a compromise on President Obamas request for billions in supplemental spending on border enforcement programs Watch this space: well keep you posted on how all of the above unfold this week and let you know when a phone call from you could be the tipping point for your Members of Congress on these important issue fights.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:20:53 +0000

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