Conservative extremists who can only see cutting budgets as a - TopicsExpress


Conservative extremists who can only see cutting budgets as a solution to deficits are blinded by their righteous ideology and seem incapable of either understanding facts or that economies operate independent of ideologues righteousness. Germany imposed austerity for loans back a few years back -- not unlike a rich uncle lending money to a spoiled nephew with a stern lecture -- and exacerbated the last Euro crisis making the crisis worse as unemployment soared with canceled government spending in the economy. The crisis eased, everyone will recall, when austerity conditions were rolled back. The Suicide Caucus of the Teaparty in the US House held United States and global economy hostage back in 2011 by threatening to force the U.S. into default in order to force their righteous sequestration down everyones throats. When people in districts started losing jobs and GDP as well as federal revenue was in danger of shrinking, everyone will recall that Republicans mysteriously started blaming sequestration on the president, saying the whole thing was his idea. Sequestration was quickly rolled back and with GROWTH the deficit has now been reduced by 70% (20% more than Mitt dared hope for his first term) under this president, who actually wanted to do more of what worked under Reagan, but was obstructed by Republicans who on the first day of his presidency vowed to obstruct everything Obama did whether or not it was right for America or the American people. You cut spending increases after growth rights the economy - not before. This was behind the Clinton surpluses capitalizing on growth, note: following Reagans wild spending which created millions of private sector jobs. Cutting too soon kills growth; the U.S. government is also the worldd biggest customer. Think before voting! Dont be lectured by mindless conservative extremist ideologues.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:29:09 +0000

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