Continuation: 7) He explains the notion that not all thats - TopicsExpress


Continuation: 7) He explains the notion that not all thats written is beneficial and also not all thats recorded in authentic in the sense that people can distort words, alterate and modify the words wgich can change the entire meaning altogether. 8) he says for anything to be preserved and said to be preserved in form of knowledge it has to fulfil two conditions. a) its words are preserved as they were. b) and its meaning is also preserved. Thus Quran fulfils these conditions in tye sense that the words are protected and its meaning i.e sunnah, authentuc words of prophet, its tafsir etc. 9) Proofs of the recordings is that a) a small number of companions recorded sunnah of the prophet and thats evident from the hadith where the prophet told his companions not to record his words as they might mix with Quran which is evident they were recording the sunnah and even after the prophet refused them some still continued documenting here and there. b) the tabiieen also recorded as is evident from records of Hamman Bin Munabih from Abu Hurairah. c) letter of Prophet to various rulers d) letter of rightly guided khalifs and the rulers after them. e) also the letters the companions wrote to each other. 10) Then came the era of writing and authoring books. Various books from various fields were written and scholars advised their students to preserve the books from changes and modifications. In da sense if the bioks authorship and replication is correct that means the book has not undergone changes and is correct. 11) and these is the reason why some scholars used to buy same book in different versions. This ensured that if their was a distortion or a word or a sentense was left out it would become evident. In todays example maybe a hadith book from beirut and lebanon and egypt and saudia and then u compare the versions. Unfortunately we students of today read a translation which might be erroneous knowingly and unknowingly and we make a big deal out of it without even asking a scholar for an explanation. May Allah protect us from that. 12) and thats why scholars came up with ettiquettes regarding books and how to deal with them. How to scribble notes and questions that a student can understand in future and not scribbles that might result the books to mess. No wonder they say a book for a student of knowledge is like a cell that he needs to live and once he loses them his knowledge grows weaker. And they say one who is weak in referencing (his books) and researching as well as reading will eventually loose gis knowledge and become a common man " a students high regard for books means a high regard of knowledge" Next will discuss first ettiquette as explained by da sheikh.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:52:39 +0000

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