Continuation of the teaching...BUILDING INTIMACY FOR A GLORIOUS - TopicsExpress


Continuation of the teaching...BUILDING INTIMACY FOR A GLORIOUS AND BLISSFUL MARRIAGE .. by Joseph O. Ukah. You see my friend, marriage is a sweet thing, marriage is enjoyable when it is operated and handled according to its principles. One of the things am enjoying here on earth now is my marriage. God has blessed me with a wonderful and blissful marriage, I had been married for a year now, but to me and my sweetheart, it always seems as if we are just married yesterday, our relationship is fresh and fun everyday. (May that be your portion as you read this). Now, let me continue with the teaching, As am talking about intimacy in relationship, its a process. The more couples lives together and follows the steps am about to mention below, the more intimate they becomes, and the more enjoyable their marriage relationship becomes. STEPS TO BUILD INTIMACY. 1. TRUST...The level of trust you develops on each other determines how intimate you will become in your relationship. Trust is a vital ingredient in any successful marriage, Any couple who doesnt trust each other, they can never be intimate and consequently can never enjoy their marriage, rather endure it. If you dont feel comfortable letting your wife or husband out of your sight for a second, that tells you that you dont trust him or her. Where trust doesnt exist, love will either be shallow or totally lacking and none existence, and you can never build INTIMACY in such relationship. Some couples still monitor their partners like monitoring spirits. Some monitor their partners phones, PC (that is computer), movements etc. Some men picks their wives calls even when the woman is around, they will first pick the calls, know whos calling before handing the phone to their partner. (Imagine that kind of marriage) I cant imagine myself picking my wifes calls or her picking mine, especially when we are around the phone, or her asking me some suspicious questions after a phone call, Vice versa. But this is exactly what some couples I had counselled so far does. Such is an act of lack of trust, and those kinds of marriages doesnt enjoy the sweetness of marriage because intimacy is lacking due to lack of trust. May you never be a a victim of enduring instead of enjoying marriage. 2. CLOSENESS. how close you are to your partner determines the level of intimacy you will enjoy with your partner. If you want a deeper level of intimacy, you should get close to him or her. One of the errors of this era that is speedily destroying so many God and church instituted marriages is this going to hustle abroad issue you will see a man who get married to a lady and do wedding then leaves her behind and travel oversee all in the name of search for greener pastures. Some will stay for up to ten years. Listen, such attitude is bad, it is never inline with the plan and purpose of Yahweh for marriage. One of the reasons for marriage is companionship, its for closeness (Gen.2:20_24), so any marriage that lacks that, something is wrong with such marriage, it can never endure. The bitter truth is that 90 percent of people who left their wives for such long periods of time can never maintain fidelity, both on the areas of the wives and that of the husband, (believe it or not) I wont start telling you my encounters so far with such couples in the course of counselling and ministrations. The ladies are always guilty of one thing INFIDELITY likewise the men, like they say BODY NO BE FIREWOOD . So closeness is of paramount importance if you must build intimacy in your marriage and if you must have a glorious and blissful marriage. May Yahweh help you. 3. COMMUNICATION. Communication is one the major tools for developing strong bond and intimacy in a relationship. To have a good and effective communication, you should create a time always out of your so called busy schedule or you may never have a strong communication. This has always been my secret all this little while am married. I never joke with being with my wife whenever I suppose to be with her. Even church activities can not stop me from giving my sweetheart the attention she needs from me. Even my leaders and followers in the CCRN knows this, ( This is oneof the areas my comrades and fellow CCRN immediate community members, misunderstands me) bro, joe why you no come vigil today?,why you no come dis one?, why you no come that one? (As if everything is all about coming to programs) well, i do laugh sometimes, because many never understands. Any marriage that lacks communication can never build intimacy and can never be blissful and glorious like ours by the special grace of Yahweh. May God give you insight in this regard. Always keep intouch with phone calls whenever you are at work or anywhere apart. Set aside private moments with your partner where you can have a meal and have some intimate conversations, these and more will help you build a stronger communication in your marriage which in turn will complement and help in building strong INTIMACY for a glorious and blissful marriage. May Yahweh help you. 4.CONFLICT RESOLUTION. You see, nothing destroys intimacy faster than unresolved conflicts and issues in your relationship. The moment you detect a problem in your marriage, quickly call your partner, talk about it and settle it. The more those issues lingers unsettled, the more it affects your level of intimacy. Little inconsequential issues if left unsettled, it could grow to become formidable problems that may mar your intimacy and wreck your marriage. Listen, your partner is not a mind reader, so dont expect him or her to always know what you are feeling or thinking. Expecting him or her to always know what is bothering you without being told is presumptuous. Always share your anger and hurts, it helps in resolving marital conflicts which is a strong tool for building intimacy for a glorious and blissful marriage. May God use this little and humble but great teaching to help all my readers build INTIMACY FOR A GLORIOUS AND BLISSFUL MARRIAGE, In Jesus Name. Am still your brother, Joseph O Ukah, A teacher, preacher and student of Gods word, you can give me an invitation to speak in your programs, its allowed. God bless you. Feel free to comment, ask questions or share this post.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:59:18 +0000

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