Contract defiles relationships in the Church Here is just one - TopicsExpress


Contract defiles relationships in the Church Here is just one example of how polar opposite the Kingdom of Christ is to the kingdoms of this world: In the world business is always done under financial contract, and this is legitimate in the world as it keeps the sinful nature of man under control. Like, if you take up a new job you expect some form of contract, whether in writing or verbal, about the terms and conditions of your employment, and that is fair and just within the world system, a system which cannot operate according to the Kingdom bcos it is against the King and does not accept His rule over them. But in the body of Christ, the Church, there cannot be any financial contract between the elders and the Church for that would defile the relationship just as much as if a wife worked for her husband under a financial contract. In the body of Christ, our vertical relationship to the Father and the Son determines our horizontal relationship with His children: If we serve the Father out of love and not from a financial contract then we also serve His children in exactly the same order as we serve God. The conditions of financial contract in the world system maintain order, but in the body of Christ the same conditions defile relationships between men, and then, toward God. In the Church, financial contract means an exchange of services under certain conditions: the one being paid to be a Christian worker then is under contract to the one/s who are paying them. Under such a contract the worker has entered into a servant and master relationship. The “master” may even be very benevolent and even very Godly, yet he, or they, are still the master, and their servant must meet their conditions and do according to their will in order to continue being paid. So then, between brothers, such a relationship is a defiled relationship, it is not Godly at all. When the NT speaks of supporting elders and especially those who teach the Word (1 Tim. 5:17) it means to freely give. When you freely give then it is not a contract, it is love. It is not a contract bcos it is a gift given unconditionally. If you trust a man who teaches the Word then freely support him with no strings attached. Be in relationship to him so you know what he is doing and whether he is using the money faithfully for the Kingdom of God and whether he is someone worthy of support. If you don’t know him or don’t trust him then don’t support him. In this way finances within the Church flow with no strings attached and the relationship between the elders who teach and those who receive their ministry, as brother to brother, is not defiled. The one receiving support is under no pressure to try and please the supporters or tell them what they want to hear in order to keep getting support. The Church is supposed to be relational: holy relationship in love, and never a contract. ~ ianvincent.wordpress/
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 00:28:48 +0000

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