Controlling tactics and techniques. April 6, 2013 at 9:12pm - TopicsExpress


Controlling tactics and techniques. April 6, 2013 at 9:12pm A. Approval, appreciation, acceptance and recognition are a basic desire of every human being. Controlling spirits of Jezebel are more than willing to accommodate that desire and will verbally praise you publically and privately. The Jezebel spirit will appear to be a loving and gracious person, oozing and dripping with flattery on those occasions when it best serves their purposes. They will woo and win you over to their “cause” by their insincere flattery — if you let them. B. The Jezebel spirit is skilled at prophesying great things about you which you attribute to the Holy Spirit endorsing your (sometimes repressed or hidden) personal desires to be an authoritarian leader. Having toyed with the idea of perhaps eventually becoming a great leader and servant for God this type of false prophecy is very heady, exhilarating, influential and motivating. This is really an extension of all that false verbal praise and flattery. C. You will be contacted again and again to meet with them or their organization in a variety of settings. Unwarranted statements of God having given them responsibility to train and develop you into a great leader will be conveyed to you in different ways. This “God given responsibility” will quickly translate into “God given authority” over you. Without continuing to add members to their little personal cult the Jezebel spirit would soon lose its sphere of influence. D. Your own personal illusion of your free will is maintained as they lead you into jumping through hoops and over hurdles of their own making. This is best accomplished in a group setting, but is also effective in private meetings. Their praise and flattery will lead you to respond to remarks and questions about their authority in a positive way. You will be seen by others as a fervent promoter of their authority because you really believe it to be so. The controlling Jezebel spirits derive false authority from those who don’t see through this manipulative ploy. Having planted the idea in your head that you will become another Moses (or equivalent) for God, the Jezebel spirit will continue to attempt to assert their false authority over you in what they consider to be clever, non-intrusive, subtle techniques. With some degree of discerning of spirits on your part, that subtlety becomes as loud as a jackhammer in action. E. Eventually they will use the verbal praise and flattery they built you up with as a reference point to measure your expected performance. You will now be found to be lacking in some or all areas of such performance. This is another aspect of the praise and flattery, the purpose of which is to manipulate and intimidate you by expressing the disappointment that the Jezebel spirit now feels in you having disappointed God by your failure to conduct yourself as an up and coming powerful religious leader. The purpose of this semantical nonsense is to motivate you to do only what they tell you to do. The controlling spirits of Jezebel are experts in giving and withholding flattery to continue to exercise their false authority over you. F. You will begin to notice that there are “unspoken rules” which are constantly changing. Knowing that you will be labeled as “the problem” if you ask any questions you subconsciously adjust your thinking to keep in step with that of your “leader.” After all, you have to learn to think, say and do things just like they do because they are recipients of a Godly “hotline” of “specialized information” from God. The Jezebel spirit knows the power of human ego and continues to feed your ego the food it needs to become self-centered in focusing on having the “spiritual authority” you think you need to be the great leader that you think that God wants you to be. This is analogous to building castles in the sand. G. Their walk won’t match their talk. Contradictory statements will be made that sound like they violently oppose what they are, in fact, doing. They try extremely hard to paint a beautiful verbal picture of their ugly behavior so that you will keep on thinking how much you are in control of your own destiny, not them. Controlling spirits of Jezebel are very clever in continuing to make you think that you are a free thinking, independent person who is in control of their own lives. In fact, you are under the worst kind of bondage of one human to another. This is another way the Jezebel spirit converts you into thinking that you, too, have spiritual authority, which, of course, is really false authority. H. Your own desire to maintain the illusion of your approval, appreciation, acceptance and recognition created by the Jezebel spirit will motivate you to continue your affiliation with the Jezebel spirit. It’s difficult to accept the fact that you have been lied to, and manipulated and intimidated by a controlling person or organization. Even though you know deep down inside that you’ve been used and abused, you are still confused and afraid of having to leave that exclusive and special group of persons who at one time lavished so much praise upon you, with flattering words. You just don’t want to leave and be alone and insignificant again. The controlling Jezebel spirit knows that your desire to preserve your own illusions of fulfilment of your hopes and desires will override your logical analysis of their controlling Jezebel spirit tactics. Logic is a motivator, but the Jezebel spirit knows that emotions are much more powerful and will override logic. They also know that enthusiasm on their part reinforces your emotions beyond anything else they can do. Enthusiastic, emotional pleas and statements, with some logic interwoven here and there will convince you beyond the shadow of a doubt that you must stay with their group. •If you are in a cult, or cult-like organization such as the institutional church system, the manipulation and intimidating controlling spirits of Jezebel are prevalent in the spiritual atmosphere of the organization. •In a spiritual atmosphere where controlling spirits of Jezebel are prevalent you will suffer spiritually, psychologically and physically. •The unity of the universal body of Christ is based upon the truth of the Bible. We are to love each other, fellowshipping in true biblical manifestations of sharing with others, socializing by meeting together with other believers as the occasion arises and outright supporting those among us who are in need until they become self-supporting. The self-centeredness of the controlling spirits of Jezebel has no place in the ekklesia’s of God. •The viable alternative to the institutional church system is to be found in the biblical home ekklesia modeled upon scriptural teachings, patterns and guidelines. By functioning within God’s will and purpose for His people, you will enjoy a favorable spiritual climate of love, life and liberty, instead of self-centeredness, death and bondage. In the article “The spiritual abuser of God, Jesus Christ, Bible, life” I discuss other causes contributing to the human system of abusive emotional, pain, hurt and fear. I focus upon biblical illiteracy, false teachings about authority in custom and tradition, eyes wide open altered states of consciousness, false teachings that God will curse you, the devil will kill you, steal from you and destroy you, being disobedient and in rebellion against God for not “tithing” having a “covering” assembling at pre-set times and “obeying your leaders.”
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:44:00 +0000

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