Corporate vs. MLM (pyramid scheme to the ignorant) this is my - TopicsExpress


Corporate vs. MLM (pyramid scheme to the ignorant) this is my personal opinion and in no way reflect any one person or companies wages or commissions. Lets look at this comparison based on the hard work approach only. We will keep state and federal taxes out for easy math. Person A: begins at the bottom and works their way up the ladder over 10-20 years to $50/hr working 40 hours a week. This puts them at $2,000 a week income and $8,000 a month which is double the average American household income which is comprised from husband wife son and daughter. Person B: begins at the bottom of the pyramid in an MLM company and works their way up the ladder. The big difference being (residual income is vastly different than hourly) they also work 40 hours a week but after 12-24 months they are making $8,000 a week and $30,000+ a month. Now lets look at what happens if both people are critically injured without notice and out of work for a year! Person A: probably gets workmans compensation but its nowhere near their typical income but lets assume it is. So they still make $8,000 a month while injured. Person B: does not receive workmans compensation but their residuals continuing to grow due to the work that was done in prior months and the organization that was built. Their weekly income can potentially increase to well over $25-100,000, yes you read that correctly depending on the work applied, duplication in their organization, and the companys growth patterns. Now lets evaluate what happens when you pass away: Person A: hopefully they had a plan, a savings account, 401K, life insurance policy, etc but their employee wage income stops immediately. Person B: the organization they have built has been transferred via living will to a spouse, child, family etc and will continue to pay, grow, and provide for the generations and generations to follow. Moral of the story: Both approaches are obviously lucrative and both require hard work sacrifice and commitment. The choice to pick one vs the other is what makes us as humans unique as independent decision makers. But what gives ANYONE the right to downgrade another based on this decision is beyond me. Who made you the almighty opinion giver? We are ALL individually responsible to answer to the risks, rewards or consequences of our own choices and actions. So choose what suits you and your family best and work 100% every day towards it because all that matters at the end of the day is that you are proud of the hard work you do and feel that you deserve whatever youre getting paid.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 20:18:32 +0000

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