Counting On Appearances (Personal Analysis ONLY) By chance, I met - TopicsExpress


Counting On Appearances (Personal Analysis ONLY) By chance, I met Alick on a networking mission a couple of months ago. Since then, till now; I’ve overhauled my impressions of what first appeared to me a simple man; for I have so wrongly judged on the apparent. What appeared to me as another societal bystander (aka, ie. Also Known As “Ah Beng”), I can only say I was so wrong.. Over the next few months, as each moment unveiled itself to me, I was gradually humbled to the core, as I saw with my eyes, a discovery of a miracle in a Man, a wonderful human being in Alick, that no words can sufficiently describe. He appeared understated in facade; really under a sheath protecting a phenomenon of a spiritual warrior…and all this while, he never his last card- I wondered why, and maybe, its because he never needed to. It was only a matter of time. I believe that it is his humility that is his most powerful stature. A humility that ironically, creates a commanding aura about him that is at the same time, unassuming, genuinely sincere, and earnest to help. He’s astute ability to analyze one’s ability is mysterious; going beyond a superficial survey /study but a thorough, guttural understanding of the person. Alick tells easily of what is said and senses acutely what is done; to evaluate someone beyond the apparent, very quickly, very swiftly. Alick is sensitized and concludes what a man really is in the blink of an eye, through a fast examination of actions and words of speech – that reveal deep secrets unknown to many, but only clear to a few hyper-sensitive souls, such as the one that is in Alick. If there is such a Servant Leader amongst Us, Alick would fit the bill as one that holds no reservation to serve first, be humble, take a second and back-bencher file; so as to allow another neighbor to bask in glory, relish in comfort and celebrate joy and stature in his immediate presence. Even though Alick was the true mastermind behind many successful big business moguls today, he alone has chosen to just remain meek, obliging and subservient all this time. Despite his proximity to riches of the world, the lure of the flesh and the generosity of wealth, it is a profound strength in Alick that has chosen never to cave into these temptations; nor influence nor pressure others, but yet to deeply inspire, encourage and enthuse those whom he believe in, and puts his entire soul, heart and mind to this commitment. Just.. so that, his integrity, purity and God-given intelligence becomes starkly obvious to all….through not words, but actions. For those he has help - these successful, powerful and richly admired in our world - now enjoy such joyous peace, richness and abundant bliss today; but only because Alick has been giving and offering himself freely. Just like a doting shepherd in his wisdom, to tend his sheep gently, so as not to scare, not to threaten, but to be clear, honest and sincere to share his views that emanate from the depths of his being. Alikc is a creative, excitable, brilliant character that wants so much to bring the best out of people around him, and may sometimes be misunderstood for his good intentions. But his efforts are a shining bright trophy of his success in transforming people from behind, in his own special, unique ways that few have the same talent to replicate. Alick is a marvel and specialty, a one-of-a-kind treasure to this world; the world should be so grateful. All of this devotion, and tender heart, was always masked in a veneer of a jovial entertainer, for those around Alick never really understands him. Though Alick knows this, he has chosen to be the jester to make these people around him laugh; instead of allowing themselves to be sick with worry..because Alick knows deep down that the truth is just too much for them to take. Such Kindness is not for all to give. Alick is a proven, unconditional friend, first pure to Righteousness and Virtuosity, in a manner that is strict, steadfast and unwavering. If nothing meets his mark, he hesitates not to cut you off. Not compromising, this is a man that wholly above-board, a true professional and adheres to every word he says and commits– and remains steadfast by the book. As a friend, Alick is a man that doesn’t recognize IMPOSSIBLE. Anything is possible. I M POSSIBLE – is his interpretation of IMPOSSIBLE. A sharp, vivacious, sensitive Man with a heart of Gold - for everyone from the rich to the poor, the needy; Alick remains fiercely dedicated to the pursuit of life challenges; and constantly having a hunger and drive for perfection and uncompromising expectations of sheer dedication and loyalty to the task at hand. Always interpreting situations, analyzing scenarios, contemplating words, sensitizing himself to body language, mood and things unspoken, Alick radiates with an independent slant and opinion and style that is of his very own, and not of this world. Alick is a solid pillar of commitment; a spirit as alive as fire and a dazzling, luminous reflection of quality distinction, a quiet talent, unspoken genius and understated virtuosity….and this is only what I know of his personal self. I am excited now to discover another facet of Alick Lee, his professional side that has wowed and impressed upon numerous heavy-weights..and now me.. its now my turn, and I cannot wait for this revelation.. The flip side & My comments and opinion only: Sometimes overly-sensitive, with seemingly, little regard for feelings or ideas or sentiments of others or family in these times that matterm possibly arising from an urgency to get thoughts “off –the-chest”. Willing to give benefit of doubt to others but also too quick to judge and comment, and might need to hold back on judgment too soon. Easily overwhelmed by crisis at hand, and possibly ignore loved one’s feelings and thoughts, even though underlying intentions are pure and good Terribly excitable, repetitive, thinking that all others may not also be aware of dangers, but should calmly appreciate that people also sense these things. Your strengths could be channeled to Ministry and start thinking of ways to combat danger and not let Satan have any lead time for foothold in God’s kingdom here on Earth! youtube/watch?v=FKITwDNUg2Q&feature=player_detailpage listen quietly eal father day
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 22:49:15 +0000

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