Coyotes are loud when celebrating a kill or a plan of attack. In - TopicsExpress


Coyotes are loud when celebrating a kill or a plan of attack. In the country we hear them all the time... almost nightly... Im not a human mother yet... but my mothering instincts kick into overdrive when that pack of coyotes has moved into MY territory & is literally steps over my creek with a dozen shiny reflective eyes (100 yards from the house/barn) howling their celebratory kill song. This high pitched song is deafening when its this close & will send terrifying chills down your spine. So what does this crazy city chick do? Within seconds I had leaped off the couch into heavy duty protective armor winter jacket hat & gloves, grabbed a flashlight & pitchfork & was literally running towards the woods at the coyotes like a lunatic with pitch fork raised. Fueled by adrenaline I ran yelling & screaming in hot pursuit. I growled & yelled and hit my pitchfork on trees making a ruckus. The plan to look super psychotically crazy & scare them away worked. I was channeling the Bees! Scene in Tommy Boy & a few other choice crazy SNL skits. It worked. They took off & the woods are silent again with no reflecting eyes. If I was a guy I would have marked. (Loading the gun takes too long when its that easy to tap into crazy...) I swear if I had been attacked I would have ripped them to shreds like that mom protecting her baby biting off the pit bulls ear... in my best True Blood vampire moment. It would have been a good death. But nobody... And I mean aint nobody messin with my baby goats... ...or my Pork..... Or my Goosie Goosie, or my Beanie ... Or my pony man... You catch my drift...
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 02:41:21 +0000

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