Cross and Cavalry Talking Cavalry does not mean today , as it did - TopicsExpress


Cross and Cavalry Talking Cavalry does not mean today , as it did a few decades ago, hardly venturing down a topic on which many remained indifferent viable , demonstrating some hostility , others smiled . Today more and more people curious and interested in looking at historical information and the symbolism of the ancient Knights as images of fascinating worlds , mystical , gleaming . Purities original , primordial knowledge , spiritual reconquest , represent many admirers for a sphere of intellectual light that would be important to achieve. Nobility of birth , family coats of arms and magnificence , meeting and banquet facilities, accounting for more an evocation of an area which would be interesting to be stationed . Other people spend sullalone mystery now widely used even when it has to do with a certain story widely known and often mystified or fictionalized , as in the case of the Templars. Finally, very few seem to those who are interested in Cavalry just because the institution has embodied the sentiments of the active Christian faith, placed at the service of the weakest and therefore the favorite of Jesus Out of the great folly of forced realization of Marxism (which in the nineteenth century had found broad-based human because of social injustice , established by the bourgeoisie and the ruling denounced by Pope Leo XIII), and empty illusions dellequalitarismo atheist and furious , origin of carnage and exterminations , we had the certainty that the only possible equality can only be achieved in the Christian fellowship in which we are all children of God the Father. After all , what true equality and philanthropy have existed between those who wanted to impose the justice of socialism ? The tailor s Day, interrogated many years ago during a telecast on what he thought about the Maoist uniforms that were to dress you wanted all the inhabitants of China ( and , it was assumed then, all the inhabitants of the States won the Maoism ) , he replied: do not be deceived , there will always be those who wear the uniform of ten thousand pounds , and those that by a million. I believe it is the best definition to describe the hypocrisy of the communist nomenklatura and promises . But today the Cavalry, as the Nobility , it runs a serious risk , not dissimilar from the dangers faced in the period of Marxist fashion . There is a wave of return they swim too many individuals who , while claiming to appreciate the ideals pursued by the Christian model , not seeking to recover the spirit of those ancient institutions but to organize their external model according to personal interests or belonging groups . I am not referring only to extreme cases of orders of chivalry and important names of illustrious royal families or who have been usurped , re-invented, called into play characters that can play on the good faith of the next easy to conduct business . But I think in many decide to enter the Orders of Knighthood real or fake titles of nobility are attributed to pure pleasure to appear, unable to take other academic or professional qualifications or aware of the fact that a more original distinction can make them stand out from the crowd of colleagues , acquaintances and neighbors. In the best case the character in question is able to be part of a genuine Order, then engage in an activity very important for him to wear a coat , get a decoration (but this does not seem necessary) , to print business cards with the title deriving from the dignity obtained , throw awarded in friendships with other (possibly important ) . If this is the cavalry , I leave it to others to judge . Often the new Christian knight of an order does not go to Mass regularly even , and the only occasions to participate in initiatives are given by sacred ceremonies and processions which sometimes participates for compulsory attendance . Defense of the poor, help the weak, love for justice , propaganda Ideal Christians are mostly very beautiful theories , which provide a verbal tribute when it happens . This is not what we seek . We do not like the carnivals and club meetings . An order of knighthood is not an association that sign up to do a good knowledge or to enroll your friends when you want to make them a pleasure to welcome. The mantle decoration or equipment shall not constitute a formal dress. All of this would be useless. And essential to distinguish between what is chivalrous by what it is not. This does not mean that the orders must become the prelude to a religious order . But that its members choose to commit to run a certain way , and to feel no words to Christian knights , this is really a moral obligation. At one time the riders had to fight in arms to defend the Christians, or to protect the weak. For a long time, this need has appeared overcome by the progress of civilized life, at least in the major Western nations . Today, however, these basic needs are very urgent return , since the severity of social contingencies and makes it essential to international action of all the forces that are institutionally calls for the protection of disadvantaged groups. How many fronts open showing the daily news. The battles that are still shedding blood in many regions of the world that terrorism threatens all states without difference ; religious intolerance widely emerged in some Muslim countries and in India , and those who leave for fear or hunger from their homes to face desperate journeys that too often end up barges sank not far from our shores . And then people faced with the rising cost of living , pensioners , the old , the sick . People whose existence is endangered by the current mentality that sees almost only exist worthy of the beautiful , the healthy , the line up. The case of Eluana or how many are mocked and beaten in our streets because of the color of their skin or the way they dress are symptomatic of the gravity of a situation that appears to have dangerous connections with the Nazi and fascist madness . All these are the fronts on which a knight must undertake today. For now, still no sword , thanks to God, but certainly with the help of his own voice , the ability to conviction , with the personal testimony that should not deflect even before the fashions, to conform, to a momentary sympathy of some groups for ways to think that degrade suffering humanity , alive and true image of the suffering Christ and wounded , whose cross you want to bring in his chest as a sign or decoration. If not, would take around first of all ourselves. An order of knighthood , and especially an Order which can be traced back to the Holy Name of Mary , Mother and protector , must riannodarsi to Ideal Christians without which we would only belong to any club bourgeois . The cross is not removed and not put on the jacket according to the commitments of our day. Stat Crux dum movitur orbis . The Cross stands still while the world turns . Carmelo Currò Troiano
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:11:29 +0000

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