Crystal Energy Crystals and gemstones are living formations - TopicsExpress


Crystal Energy Crystals and gemstones are living formations that have been growing in our earth since the beginning of time. Considered highly sacred and powerful, these beings have been used since the dawn of ancient civilization. These ancient crystals have been used as encoded tableture by the lemurian civiliation which dates back 30,000 years. Crystals then and crystals now are used as aids in physical, emotional, spiritual healing, spirit contact, psychic developement, holistic healing, and a vast array of much more. In working with crystals, you embark on a journey of rediscovering and healing your true, inner self. In the Metaphysical world of gemstones, it is said that Crystals can transform us. It is true that we can find some wonderful Natural healing properties among the stones we find. But how can we determine what stones should be used for a particular ailment or condition? Which gems are better for physical healing, and which are better used for Spiritual, vibrational and psychic situations? Some find it fairly easy to make this determination, by the use of color and type. For instance, green gems are primarily used for regeneration and healing, while white stones are more etheric in nature and can be beneficial for Spirit work. I find when choosing only colored gemstones to be highly useful for Color association therapy, (as mentioned above), or especially effective when treating the first 7 Chakras each color associated , but generally color therapy is somewhat simplified and therefor I truly look at the stones, gems, or crystals PROPERTIES, along with color or type, and make my determination for usage. There are different types of stones, gems and crystals, and they all work in different ways. Tumbled stones and small natural crystals are most often available to us. They can be found in a wide variety of minerals and are easy to carry and use. Larger clusters of minerals are very useful for charging and cleansing of other gems and Magickal jewelry. The larger single hand held Crystals and wands are wonderful for meditation and for directional healing of specific body parts and systems. Usually, we are drawn to a particular stone for our own personal reasons and they become vital to our healing practices. It is said each crystal you find yourself drawn to own had been waiting precisely just for you. We may choose to wear a particular gem as an adornment in a piece of Magickal jewelry so that we may take advantage of its energies and healing power on a regular basis. Because all gemstones come from Mother Earth , each one is naturally fully charged with her powerful energies! Since the Earth is about 4.6 Billion years old, it is possible that through erosion, wind, water and all the other forces of Nature, the small stone you wear or carry for healing, may be millions of years old!!! In the case of Crystals however, they can only form from a gas or liquid solution and therefore are different than stone and rock. For this reason, crystals heal in a more complex fashion than Natural stones. They may have inclusions, crystals within crystals, shadows and light, and even other minerals growing inside of them. Crystals are unique, in that they have extra electrons that are stored within them from the creation of their lattice, or structure. It is these electrons that enable Crystals to become transducers, or in other words, they are able to change one form or energy into another! To demonstrate this electrical energy, you can rub two small pieces of Quartz together in a dark room and they will show what is called, triboluminescence. Even a sugar cube (with a crystal structure) , that is crushed in darkness will display flashes of green light!!! This is called piezoelecttricity and it represents a large electrical current that is generated within the crystal itself due to a deformatity in the lattice structure of the Crystal. CRYSTALS ARE IN FACT ELECTRICALLY CHARGED!!! They are the most organized and stable matter in the Universe and once a Crystal is formed it can remain unchanged for millions of years! The proof that Crystal Healing can be beneficial, is not some trick that needs to be performed, but instead, lies deep within the Crystal itself! For when a Crystal becomes subjected to extreme conditions of heat and pressure, it not only alters its form, but may transform itself into another mineral altogether! Indeed this awesome Natural energy can enable us to grow if used wisely. It is a force that we can harness and use to transform ourselves! It is the power of Crystal Healing!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 07:53:17 +0000

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