Current News by richard003 | on August 15, 2013 - TopicsExpress


Current News by richard003 | on August 15, 2013 Tweet To funny not to share!! RTR!! Just a little Sporting news. The quote from a loyal Alabama Fan.(Ron Comoglio), not to loyal to the white house but to college football. Go Noles Beat Florida! Watched a story on Fox News this morning a young man collecting funds for storm victims up north. Seems he has gathered six thousand dollars and received another ten thousand from a company donor. What a great American. If we had more kids that took actions like this what a world we would have. I think that was pretty interesting news. It makes you feel good and proud of the young boys actions. I also seen news of the situation exploding in Egypt. Dozens killed in the streets. Many supporters of Islamic groups are turning against the army and paying the ultimate price. The army will not tolerate their actions so when two opposites meet in the middle. Well, you get what you see now. Massive destruction and sometimes death. Maybe the politicians will send them a few more million and it will all stop. Obama care placed on hold. Can you believe that they passed it and now they can’t work it out. Question, maybe too much vacation time and not enough work? just saying. I heard 97% of the federal workforce in DC don’t want the affordable act. Union workers are seeing the differences in their cost of insurance and wanting answers. Their union leaders deny any knowledge of knowing about the increases but the Rankin file are seeing it now. Sounds like the administration deny, deny, deny. Who would have ever guessed? You know when the federal government is stating they will cover 72% of cost for the houses. Why? because they passed a bill that will cost all of them a ton of cash. No wonder why Mrs. Pelosi said “pass it then we will see what’s in it”. What a bunch of clowns. I like to ask Al Sharkton, Rev. Jackson and NAACP where they are at concerning the beating of a child by three thugs. The beating has been on the news for a couple weeks. Where’s the injustice? Or I guess it’s ok to beat a white honky to unconsciousness? Now that’s some news. Praying for the young mans recovery. How about the elections for 2014 and 2016. I see Hillary is pulling the Obama trick. We can campaign for 3 years. Friends if you want more of what we are getting than vote the old dinosaurs back in. If you don’t and you would like to see changes then vote them out. Please remember Santa is running out of candy and you will eventually face the consequences. Many seats are up for a election in the senate and house. Just think about your children and maybe that will help. They have no chance in hell of the freedoms you enjoyed. I would like to give them at least the same chances I experienced. I hope that’s not wishful thinking. Hillary is leading the pack and just can’t imagine who makes a statement like,” What difference does it make now”, acting as commander and chief. Did you hear the news about Death at the ball park? (Atlanta Braves Turner Field.) They can’t explain what happened but this young man fell to his death and police reports indicate that it was six stories high. It was after a rain delay and the concrete was wet which could have possibly caused the accident. Thirty years old, just beginning his life. What a shame. Allot of news out there some good, some bad and some just terrible. You may ask why I blog, I do it for fun and it also supplements my income. It’s quite easy and you can do it as well. Click on the link below and check us out. It could possibly change your life. Are you tired of working for someone? Work for yourself. Would you like to go to places you only dream about? You can if you work hard. Would you like to work at home? This is a way. Would you like to learn how to make money on the internet? That’s what we are about. I would like to leave you with this. Maybe people are not informed about what’s going on out there. Liberal news is making it impossible to stay current. Check the net, check fox news out, check CNN they have information on the net that doesn’t reach the screen. We must inform ourselves. If we don’t and we don’t change our circumstances we may never get another chance. God Bless.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 00:34:42 +0000

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