Cystic fibrosis: fast facts Q: What is Cystic Fibrosis? A: - TopicsExpress


Cystic fibrosis: fast facts Q: What is Cystic Fibrosis? A: Cystic Fibrosis is a serious,life threatening genetic condition. Q: What happens? A: In CF, the mucous glands cause normal mucus to change to a thick, sticky substance. This mucus clogs the tiny passages in the lungs and traps bacteria. Repeated infections and blockages can cause irreversible lung damage and death. The pancreas is also impaired, preventing the release of enzymes which are needed for the digestion of food. This means that people who have CF can have problems with nutrition. Q: Who gets CF? A: CF is an inherited condition. For a child to be born with CF both parents must carry the CF gene. Carriers of the gene do not have any symptoms of the condition. Q: How common is CF? A: One in 25 people carries the CF gene. If 2 people carry the gene, with every pregnancy there is a one in 4 chance that the child will have CF. There is a 2 in 4 chance that the child will not have CF but will carry the gene and a one in 4 chance that the child will not have CF and not be a carrier. Q: How is CF diagnosed? A: In Wisconsin, all babies are screened at birth for CF. A blood spot test is carried out. If the test is positive, a sweat test will be done to measure the amount of salt in the sweat. A positive result confirms the diagnosis; a negative result may call for specific genetic testing. Q: What are the symptoms of CF? A: A persistent cough, which usually contains sputum, or a cough that occurs with physical effort; some difficulty with breathing, or wheezing with effort; frequent chest and sinus infections; tiredness and lethargy; diarrhoea; stools that float and may be difficult to flush; recurrent abdominal pain; poor appetite. Salt loss in hot weather may produce weakness. Q: How is CF treated? A: The CF gene was identified in 1989. This has led to the development of a carrier test, improved treatment and better control of the condition. People with CF need to have intensive daily chest physiotherapy to break up the build-up of mucus in the lungs. They are also helped by inhaled medicines that can open up the airways and make mucus thinner and easier to cough up. Most people with CF will also take up to 40 enzyme replacement tablets each day to aid digestion. They must also follow high-energy diets with added vitamins and salt. Vaccinations against influenza and pneumococcal disease are also recommended for people with cystic fibrosis. Regular visits to CF clinics, hospitalization and antibiotic treatment are common for people with CF. People with severe disease may require a lung transplant. Q: Is there a cure for CF? A: CF is not curable at this time, but with todays improved treatment most people with CF are able to lead reasonably normal and productive lives. A great amount of time and energy is being directed to raising money to find new and improved ways of treating CF and of finally gaining control of the condition.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:43:53 +0000

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