DAILY BIBLE READING CORNER It’s Time To Decide! Almost two - TopicsExpress


DAILY BIBLE READING CORNER It’s Time To Decide! Almost two years ago I was led to share some of Pastor Mac Hammond’s writing. I was searching for a picture to put a Message on, but The Precious Holy Spirit led my ear to the left side of my page and saw his writing before I could get to the picture. :D I read it and it’s so in line with what our Pastor spoke on today. I would like for you to keep in mind while you’re reading that Deuteronomy 28:1-14, The Blessing has already been given to us through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. We just have to BELIEVE, RECEIVE and AGREE with the Finished Works of Jesus! WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER THE LAW/CURSE! But . . . look below! Soul Control By Mac Hammond October 25, 2012 at 12:27am Imagine always hearing the voice of God and following it accurately. Imagine a life where you dont make disastrous decisions or take wrong turns. Imagine a life filled with all the Goodness of God. Does it sound too good to be true? It doesnt have to be. In fact, as you learn to control your soul properly, you can have a life as described above! But what is soul control and where does it start? It begins with our decisions. Each day we make a myriad of decisions and choices. Many are conscious and deliberate while others are subconscious based on our preconditioning. Yet according to Deuteronomy 28, every single choice falls into one of two categories: life and blessing or death and cursing. In other words, the life you have right now and whether it is full of blessing or cursing is a result of choices you have made. Many dont like to hear this as they like to play the blame game and make excuses for the quality of their lives. But the Bible is clear: your life is a product of the choices you have made. Thus, understanding how to make right choices is critical and the process must be understood. Decision making is the consummation of the operation of your soul, and in short, thats what your soul exists to do. Make decisions. Your soul consists of the mind, the emotions, and the will. When you make decisions or choices, you exercise your will on the basis of the interaction between your mind and your emotions. Intellectually, you absorb and evaluate all of the information that comes to you through your sensory perceptions, what you see, hear, touch, taste, and feel. Then emotionally, you feel things about certain situations and certain circumstances. Based on the interaction between your intellectual evaluation and your emotional response, you make a choice. You enact your will and you choose. Decision making and making choices is the final consummation of all God intended your soulish realm to do. As a result, what you consistently choose depends on whom or what controls your soul. In other words, whoever controls your soul controls your destiny - be it God, satan, religious tradition, circumstances, your flesh or other people. Obviously, God wants to control your soul and determine your destiny - but not directly. He wants you to train your soul to be in subjection to your spirit, so you can live a truly Spirit-led life. In other words, if the Holy Spirit, through your spirit, can control your soul, then the will of God will be your destiny. If satan controls your soul, then he determines your destiny. If people in your life control your soul - people who the enemy uses to provoke anger, engage your emotional response, or stir you up any way they can and empower you to generate negative thoughts, resentment, and bitterness - then they determine your destiny. But if God controls your soul, then He will determine your destiny. NOW YOU DECIDE.... Will you live days of Heaven here on Earth or Days of Hell here on Earth AND Where will you spend eternity? HEAVEN or hell? The Lord wants to handle all of our problems; today, tomorrow and until Jesus returns for us, but only IF we let Him lead us through The Power of The Precious Holy Spirit! We Are A Moving Sanctuary For God! We Are The Arks of God! We Are The Arks of Covenant! We Are The Arks of Testimony! We Are Blessed! We Are Righteous! We Are Highly Favored By God AND I Love You! :D Verse Used: Deuteronomy 11:21 Kings James Version (KJV) https://youtube/watch?v=g7xv2fhV0hw
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:35:59 +0000

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