DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE: THE LIVING WATER....Impacting Lives! Sunday, December 28, 2014 Topic: STAND FIRM TO THE END Read Matthew 10:16-22 Memorize: All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved (Matt. 10:22). Polycarp, the Bishop of Smyma, was threatened to deny Christ so that his life would be spared to enjoy more of what life would offer him. Surprisingly however, he answered, Eighty and Six years have i served him, and he never once wronged me; how then shall i blaspheme my King who had saved me? So fearless was he in the face of his marthyrdom. With those words, he was burnt at the stake. This is the import of standing firm to the end. The apostles and their successors were heavily persecuted. Yet, they didnt deny Christ. For us today, it may not mean physical death. It may mean losing a lucrative job, missing a well-deserved promotion, or repeating a class in the school, all because you have chosen to stand for the holiness of Christ. Whatever it will cost, our best bet is to stand firm, in spite of whatever we will have to pass through. We have a good example in Stephen, the first Christian martyr (Acts 7:1-60). In the heat of his martyrdom, he was still interceding for his killers. Are you facing some trying situation in the hands of your spouse, colleagues, lectures/teachers,boss, or any other person, because you have decided not to compromise your faith in Christ? You are not alone. Stephen saw Jesus standing to welcome him (Matt. 5:10ff). Whatever you may be passing through, omly be sure that you do not suffer as a criminal. May you find Gods grace to stand firm, in JesusName. Prayer points: 1. I find the grace to stand for the Lord in every situation, in JesusName. 2. Pray, God to restore sanity in every sector of the governance of our nation. 3. Pray that God should released His special grace upon believers and ministers in communities that are hostile to the gospel so that the can stand without compromising, and spread the good news of Christ at all cost. Bible Reading: Ezra 4-6 lds.org/scriptures/bible?lang=eng YOU ARE SAVED TheWord.Nation
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 07:11:06 +0000

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