DAILY DEVOTIONAL READING Tue. 23/12/2014 Faith Comes By - TopicsExpress


DAILY DEVOTIONAL READING Tue. 23/12/2014 Faith Comes By Hearing God’s Word Rom. 10:14-21 Hearing the word of God is a major avenue through which God builds up the faith of a Christian. The various channels through which the Christian has access to God’s word include sermons, Bible studies, Christian literature, recorded messages etc. Many people are however too busy to have time to consistently listen to the word. They do not have time for mid-week study of the word and they find it difficult to keep focus on a sermon that takes more than fifteen minutes. Others sit through these programs distracted by many things which are going on in their lives. The word has no chance of impacting their lives – like rain falling on water-proof sheet. Without the word taking root in their hearts, their faith in God remains very weak. They remain spiritual babes, even though they have spent decades in the Church. Point of Emphasis: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Prayer Point: I open my spirit unto You Lord, let Your word have its full impact in my life. Memory Verse: “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19). DAILY DEVOTIONAL READING Wed. 24/12/2014 Being Attentive As A Judge Or A Mocker Mk. 12:18-27 The Sadducees came to Jesus with closed mind. They were fixed in their belief that there was no resurrection of the dead, yet they came to Jesus with their question about resurrection. Their goal was not to learn new spiritual truth but to trap Jesus in His teaching. In the same vein some come to Church with their critical minds. While the sermon goes on they are busy analysing the message and the preacher. They are only concerned about the grammatical mistakes of the preacher and not the truth he is trying to pass across. Others within the congregation mock what the preacher has to say. They have made up their minds that Biblical principles were only practicable thousands of years ago, and that all who follow the principles are outdated. Others find faults in the life of the preacher and use that as an excuse for their discarding whatever he says. Point of Emphasis: Those who set themselves as judge over the word of God completely miss out in God’s programme. Prayer Point: God, give me a sensitive heart that is ready to hear and heed Your word. Memory Verse: “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19). DAILY DEVOTIONAL READING Thur. 25/12/2014 Being Attentive As A Spectator Or A Consumer Jn. 6:53-66 As the word of God is being preached or taught, some people do not think the word has anything to do with their lives. Instead they think of other members of the congregation to whom the word is appropriate. They do not receive the word for themselves but for others. They are mere spectators. Another group of members of the congregation are those who shop around for the word they believe is applicable to their problems or needs. Any word that is not directly applicable to their problems or needs are discarded. If the preacher does not change his message to meet their needs, they move ahead to shop for a preacher who will meet their needs. These are just consumers looking for acceptable commodity. Either as spectator or consumer, the Christian lacks the right attitude to grow spiritually. Merry Christmas. Point of Emphasis: Do not abandon the word because you think it does not apply to your present need. Prayer Point: May Your word, as a hammer, break every door that is closed against Your word, oh Lord. Memory Verse: “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19). DAILY DEVOTIONAL READING Fri. 26/12/2014 Being Attentive As A Learner Acts 8:29-39 The Eunuch paid close attention to the passage he was reading, even though he did not fully understand. God saw the genuineness of the Eunuch’s attitude, so He sent Phillip to go and expound the word to him. He was willing to learn so he could grow spiritually. No matter how mature a Christian has grown, he knows very little of God. No matter the level of revelation a Christian has seen, every encounter with God brings the Christian to uncharted territory of spiritual experience. The Christian that wants to mature spiritually will have the heart ready to learn. He will keep his mind open for new revelations from God, ready to follow into deeper experience with God. At the same time he will judge every revelation by the revealed word of God in the Bible. He knows that some of the extra-Biblical revelations that people claim these days are un-Biblical. He needs a discerning spirit. Point of Emphasis: The Eunuch was open to learn, even from Phillip, a stranger he never met before. Prayer Point: Oh God, give me a heart that is ready to learn and a mind ready to understand. Memory Verse: “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19). DAILY DEVOTIONAL READING Sat. 27/12/2014 Being Attentive As A Disciple Matt. 13:36-43 Jesus taught the people in parables. Different categories of people were in the crowd – those who stood as judges over what He said, mockers, spectators, unbelievers, consumers, learners etc. The disciples form a separate category – they were not satisfied with the face value of what Jesus taught, they desired to go deeper into what Jesus was teaching. This level of attention to details of what is being taught prepares the disciple to be like the Master. One can imagine that the disciples, if it were today, would have their notebooks and pens to jot down the new things which Jesus was teaching them. In every congregation, one sees members with their means of recording the sermon or the Bible study. They go back to revisit their notes so that they can fully absorb the principle being passed across. Do you make efforts to write down what God wants to teach you as you hear a sermon, read the Bible or listen to a message? Point of Emphasis: Real learning begins after the teaching is concluded. Prayer Point: Father, give me an unquenchable thirst for Your Word. Memory Verse: “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19).
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 09:46:18 +0000

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