DAILY FOUNTAIN DEVOTIONAL AUTHOR:- REV (ENGR) J.A. OBILOMO SATURDAY 04 OCTOBER, 2014 TOPIC:- LET THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE TEXT:- JOHN 8:32 “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” MSG:- There are many today who are living under the oppression of one institution, set of people or the other. Today’s text is a declaration by our Lord Jesus Christ and it is very fundamental. It may even be the deciding factor between living in bondage and living in freedom. Older readers of Daily Fountain will remember the story of a young farm boy who went with his parents to visit. The boy with the father, mum and his elder brother visited the neighbor’s farm to share produce and labor. The neighbor had a happy little dog that scared the little boy still. When it came barking around the corner, his dad, his mum and brother stood their ground, but the young boy ran. Of course the dog chased him! He escaped to the top of their pickup truck while the little dog yapped at him from the ground. Everyone except the young boy could see that the little dog had no power over him except what power he gave it. Furthermore, it had no inherent power to throw him up on the pickup; it was his own belief that put him up there. That dog controlled him by using his mind, his emotions, his will, and his muscles, all of which were motivated by fear. Finally, with enough encouragement from his dad he gathered up courage, jumped off the pickup, and kicked a small rock at the dog. Lo and behold, it ran! The young boy knew the truth and the truth actually set him free. Satan is like that yappy little dog: deceiving people into fearing him more than God. His power is in the lie. He is the father of lies (John 8:44) who deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9), and consequently the whole world is under the influence of the evil one (1 John 5:19). He can do nothing about your position in Christ, but if he can deceive you into believing his lies about you and God, you will spend a lot of time on top of the pickup truck! You don’t have to outshout him or out muscle him to be free of his influence. You just have to go out and nullify his lie with the truth. Believe, declare, and act upon the truth of God’s Word, and you will thwart Satan’s strategy. The Scriptures clearly show that the truth is the liberating agent. The power of Satan is in the lie, and the power of the believer is in knowing the truth. We are to pursue truth, not power. PRAYER:- Father God, when Satan is badgering and confusing me, remind me that Your Holy Spirit within me is greater than all the evil around me. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 05:07:22 +0000

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