DAILY SPIRITUAL FOOD; JESUS-The Sure Foundation; Therefore - TopicsExpress


DAILY SPIRITUAL FOOD; JESUS-The Sure Foundation; Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation,A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation;Whoever believes will not act hastily. Also I will make justice the measuring line,And righteousness the plummet; The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies,And the waters will overflow the hiding place. Isaiah 28;16-17 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.1 Corinthians 3;11 Brethren,it is pertinent to stress that as we zero in to that glorious hour of the return of the Lord and master,Jesus Christ, we must be reminded that grave responsibility has been committed into our hands to use the abounding resources God has made readily available to bring in lost and directionless souls headed to hell.This is achievable by truly building on the apostolic structures laid by our Lord and master Jesus Christ,through his priceless blood shed for the world on the cross of Calvary. We are commanded therefore to employ the ministry,support and direction of the Holy Spirit of God to win and properly train heaven-bound,rapture ready christian believers. However it is very sad to note that men and women,the world over are building denominational walls of Christianity that is fast eroding the real value of the finished work of atonement Jesus perfected on the cross over two thousand years ago. A cursory look at the church of God today paints a gory and lamentable picture of group segregation,name calling,arrogant and ill-informed assumptions,pride,claims and counter claims of superiority,spirituality and unrestrained ego manifestation. My humble question is are we serving a one holy and all knowing God or different gods? I need a very good answer from a wise one. The holy scriptures,the unfailing, irrepressible and ever abiding words of a holy God tells me that, God is one indivisible and wise God who wants all of His creation to remain faithful ,obedient and subservient to his commands,wills and purpose.He dose not want disobedience ,divisions and works done with human knowledge and assumptions. And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. 2 I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men? For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal? Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. 10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. 1 Corinthians 3;1-15 Brethren,no more horse trading ,groupings and unacceptable display of showmanship;It is time to get down to the business of the master duty/work committed into the hands of the Church of a living God. So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.Luke 19;13 we are called to build and maintain the body of Christ (The church) and not to destroy by the building of denominational walls. The devil and his agents are laughing and rejoicing over this condition in the church.It is high time the the church wakes up from its spiritual slumber and lukewarmness and faithfully attend to the stewardship/work given to them by the Lord. Awake, awake!Put on your strength, O Zion;Put on your beautiful garments,O Jerusalem, the holy city!For the uncircumcised and the unclean Shall no longer come to you. Shake yourself from the dust, arise; Sit down, O Jerusalem!Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion! For thus says the Lord:“You have sold yourselves for nothing,And you shall be redeemed without money.”Isaiah 52;1-3 It high time we allow the owner of the church to employ his Holy spirit to revitalize/revive the apostolic foundations Jesus built and anchored his church upon//Let us do away with the perverted wisdom of man that has for long kept the church of God in a gory state of spiritual comatose. May Jesus continue to be the foundation/corner stone of our christian house/life in Jesus precious name//Amen. More grace and God bless //Keep on watching,waiting and praying. Pastor Martins Okonkwo.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:02:21 +0000

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