DAY 16 Growing up, we used to love the opportunity of going up - TopicsExpress


DAY 16 Growing up, we used to love the opportunity of going up mountains to pray. We always felt closer to God when we went up the different mountains. It elevated our human feelings. One night we drove out of town to go and pray in one of the popular mountains. We decided to pass by the house of a certain prophetess, an old woman used by God. When we got there, she was delighted to see us and said you have finally arrived, the Lord had told her we are coming. After setting the food she had already prepared before us, she said she had been given a word for us. She told us to go back home and not go and pray up that mountain. Her exacts words were, The Lord said go and use whats already inside you! It was a moment of revelation. As we grew in God, we started realizing that God was not in the mountain but that he has taken his dwelling place inside of us through his Holy Spirit. So wherever you are today, you can have a mountain top prayer experience because God is closer to you than your breath. He is closer than the next mountain you can find. As we are praying, there is an elevation that is taking place in you, He is raising you to the next level. Hebrews 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, As you pray, it is important that you believe and have faith. It is a waste of time to pray and doubt. Our God can do anything, all things are possible with him. He can change that doctors report, he can change that financial situation, he can transform your life. Understand this, that we are not dealing with physical things here but spiritual. We have not come to a physical mountain but we are inhabitants in the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem where there is an innumerable company of angels! Your story must change this hour! Whenever Jesus took time to pray, it was His gateway to the next level. Make this time of prayer count. The impossible became possible. I believe it is your turn to move mountains. Believe his word and you will see it fulfilled. There is honey in the carcass. Out of the eater there is something sweet that is coming. Your faith is what is going to make the difference. Keep praying, God is ready to answer you!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 07:59:22 +0000

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