DECEPTION IS A RELATIONSHIP KILLER… I am moved to discuss this - TopicsExpress


DECEPTION IS A RELATIONSHIP KILLER… I am moved to discuss this because of an issue that the Parliament handled a few days back…a lady that is HIV POSITIVE was goading a man into marriage-despite being aware of her HIV status -for years! His saving grace was an instruction from the church that all intending couples should present BLOOD TEST RESULTS-before the church can wed them. It shows how far some people can go to MANIPULATE others into marriage…yet the very foundation that every relationship thrives on is HONESTY. Do some people think at all? Do you really expect the centre to hold once your deception is discovered? Some manipulation borders on sheer MEANNESS…why would you knowingly jeopardize the health of another to answer a MRS? Who told you that one who is HIV POSITIVE can’t find love? You owe whoever that is intimately involved with you nothing but HONESTY…the choice to stay or leave-remains theirs. And for every person that rejects you because of your baggage…someone else (probably with a similar baggage) will be most at home with your issues. Another area of DECEPTION that a lot of people are unrepentant on is AGE declaration…I can’t understand the obsession with UNDER AGING one ‘self! I mean, does it make sense claiming to be 35 when you know within you that you are in your 40s? Shouldn’t you focus on carrying yourself well-WHATEVER your age is? Anybody can find love at ANY age. The moment you feel you should underage yourself to be accepted by any man/woman is when you should actually go your way. Let him/her go look for a YOUNGIE .If you are patient enough…someone who actually prefers someone in your age bracket- will walk into your life. Why should you deny your RELEVANT past to be accepted by anybody? I mean, it is nauseating that a lady who has been married before would deem it fit to hide this information from her fiancé. Some will claim that the child they had outside wedlock is their sibling. A man who was LEGALLY married (with kids) would claim that the mother of his kids just trapped him with pregnancy and that they were not even married. The (often unnecessary) LIES are just unimaginable. If he/she does not want to be involved with someone with your kind of baggage…why should you deceive him/her into accepting you? Is it that you don’t know that for every person who cannot deal with your baggage…three others (at least) will have no qualms embracing you and your baggage? It all boils down to HOW DEEP feelings are. The desire of married persons is to experience more of HAPPINESS in their union but a marriage that made DECEPTION its foundation will breed nothing but RESENTMENT. There is no way someone that feels tricked into a marriage (by you) will give you the best of him/her. Having a MISERABLE marriage is too much a prize to pay for your LIES/DECEPTION…you might as well COME CLEAN and save yourself such future heartache. If it’s meant to be…it will surely be!!!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 05:09:15 +0000

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