DETERMINING ANCIENT IDENTITIES AND THE TRUE NATURE OF ANCIENT HISTORY (Roman Piso, 03/29/07) People have wondered just how it is that we can determine who was really behind the facade of an alias when alias names were used in ancient history. That answer is that we have discovered this by first learning the true nature of ancient history. Below are some of the items that we must take into consideration when we examine ancient texts. There is no one that I know of that has studied ancient history in its true context to the degree that I have; and thus, in order to learn what I know they really must learn that from me. There are ways that are available to us to make these determinations. And that, even given the fact that this takes an entirely different way of viewing ancient history than has been taught to the world until now. And that is what makes this information extremely important. 1) The Closed or Controlled Environment of ancient times. First we must consider the fact that all material written for public consumption (and most which was not) was written by royals who considered themselves to be of a different race than non-royals. And, they lived in and protected themselves within a network of royals. They knew a great deal more than they ever let the world outside of their own royal circles know. And so, we must always bear this in mind when we are doing this work. 2) Parallels. We look for parallels in association with those who we are researching and when we try to determine if an alias name is being used by an individual in ancient texts. These may include dates, career, and places in which these people were at any given time. Both Arrius Piso and Pliny The Younger give us prime examples of how parallels were used to create fiction in history and their story about Arrius Pisos alter-ego, Jesus. Personal information about the individuals who were playing the parts of characters in the Christian story may be found once their actual identities are discovered. This is how we know more about the lives and career of both Arrius Piso and Pliny The Younger. Finding out that Pliny played Paul shows us many parallels between the two which may never have been discovered (known) had not the trail of information led us to find Pliny as Paul. Once we knew that the NT story was actually written by a later generation and then backdated to an earlier time in history, we can begin to put the people and events which were used to create the story into the correct context. And that, then leads us to find out who those story-makers were. 3) Births & Deaths. We look for statistical data such as births and deaths, but also other statistics. We look for the births and deaths of their family members and relatives as well. 4) Sources. We examine sources. That is, we always keep in mind just who is the source for what information about any given individual. We look for connections between those who were writing and those whom they were writing about. 5) Parents & Relatives. Parentage is another important element in making determinations about these individuals. Births/deaths, where they were from and any titles held by them, etc. is important to us in making these determinations. There are recorded genealogies which can help us to find connections that we might have had a much more difficult time trying to find without them. Some of these can be found and verified with lists of those who were from certain places and/or who held positions of authority in one place or another. There are several family lines in ancient history who held positions of authority in one place or another for several generations - and connections can be found for family members who either continued there or who married and relocated. 6) Regions and Locations. Being familiar with many regions or locations can be very helpful when it comes to finding important pieces of the puzzle. One of the items that can really help us to verify whether or not we are correct in our conclusions about one person or another can be where they were at any given time (A.A.G.T.). For instance, this is how we have found the outline of Arrius Pisos life and career... how we know where he was while Domitian (Prusa/Mt. Olympus) was ruling and where he went afterwards (Athens, Greece). 7) Similar/Same Names & Associations. There are many instances where names were deliberately misspelled or spelled phonetically (see Name Phonetics), or by using a word or term that has the same meaning as a name (see Word & Name Exchange). These, as you would think, were indeed tricks which were being used by ancient authors. They were manufactured for the very reasons that you might guess... to mislead and deceive. Why? To prevent non-royals from discovering the truth which these authors were recording for each other, but not for non-royals. Arrius Piso played Peter and is identified in various places as the rock or stone (in Josephus, The Son/Stone cometh!). 8) Understanding the Royal Language. By knowing just how the ancient royals actually wrote what they did, we can see it as they did and understand what they were saying. This means that we must educate ourselves to all of the devices that they used, understand their motives, etc. What we are essentially doing is gathering I.C. (Inner-Circle) information. By understanding what they did, we can make the case and demonstrate it to those who know this as we do. We can make our determinations and show just how we came to those conclusions by explaining it in a step by step fashion. 9) P.O.E. (Process of Elimination). We may being by examining a small field of potential candidates for our research subject and narrow the field down through the process of elimination. We can eliminate those who were seen by us as possible and reduce the field to those who are more probable. I.e. certain people were in a certain place at a certain time, but it could not be A because that person died before the person that we are looking for. Thus, that person can be eliminated from the field of examination for this specific instance. 10) I.N.T. (Inherited Name/Titles). Ancestry and descendants can be very important in making determinations about individuals. In the case of Arrius Piso, many of his aliases were found and confirmed via information about his ancestry and because of the use of his descendants of his name/titles. Arrius Piso uses his Marcus Antonius name in his alias (Marcus) Antonius Primus and he does so to hint at his descent from Mark Antony. His descendants use names that they (in turn) had inherited from him. Also see Name Elements). 11) Quotes. The use of the same or similar quotes by individuals may lead to discovering or verifying their true identity. This is how we can find enough evidence to show that Pliny The Younger played and wrote as Paul. The same and similar quotes and lines were used by both Paul and Pliny. 12) Precedent Examples and/or Associated Precedents. When examining ancient history and other ancient texts, we find the use of precedents. This is one way that the authors left us to find the true meaning of the things that they were writing. It is also a way of telling whether or not it is probable or possible for one person to be the one which was mentioned or hinted at by an author who does not name that person outright. For instance, there is the use of the term governor to also mean king or ruler. That way, they could hint at and/or speak of someone without naming them, but of being entirely accurate in their statements about them. An example that comes to mind is the mention of Senecas aunt as being married to the governor of Egypt. In reality, there were two governors of Egypt at the time; the one that was appointed to that office and the one which ruled ABOVE that governor (governor of the governor), and that is the king or ruler of Egypt. The author says governor as a literary device of re-direction; the same device used by magicians. They make you look over here, while the true item is over there. 13) Name Phonetics. Names could be disguised by using different letters for the same sounds. An example of some of the phonetics used in names of the Pisos and their family are Annius and Annaeus, and perhaps even Ennius. Perhaps even Onias. 14) Royal Supremacy & the True Nature of Ancient History. We need to bear this in mind always as we do our research. Royals were not islands. They lived within a network of other royals who all supported the royal cause and who knew and used the same literary devices. 15) Word & Name Exchange. In the Royal Language one of the devices that they had used in manufacturing fake or alias names was in using words that had the same or similar meaning as a name and visa versa. 16) Hints, Clues & Disguised Evidence. Ancient authors did not mind other royals knowing what they meant; what they did not want was non-royals knowing it. There were, therefore, obliged to only hint at their meaning in one instance, give clues in another, and disguise the evidence for it. 17) Concealed Names & Abbreviations. Another device that they used was to run words/names together so that they would not be seen by the uneducated (non I.C.) reader. They would also use abbreviations as was commonly used on ancient Roman coins. There are many Piso family names in the New Testament, many of which were hidden in it very, very well by the use of an array of literary devices. I have pointed out a great many of those in my earlier works on the New Testament. 18) Station and Status. That is, the various appointments and offices held by any given individual. That is one way to tell whether or not further investigation is warranted into the use of a particular alias by one individual or another. This can be another instance of the use of parallels. If one person held the position of consul in one year and another who is suspected of being that same individual also held that same position in that same year, that could be an indication that they may be one in the same. Not necessarily, but it can be a method (again, because of author intent) of either determining or eliminating one person as possibly being another. 19) Archeology & Physical Evidence. There has been a good deal of material found in excavations which give more complete records of names and other information; items that have helped us to fill in the blanks which were left in places in ancient history. They can also be used to help verify our conclusions. In this category we might also include world travel by ancient royals and the establishment of royal houses or dynasties in various places very distant from each other throughout the world - across oceans. 20) DNA Evidence. There are some physical remains of some people of note from ancient times, many that may be important to us in our research. However, at present DNA technology can only give us a limited picture of such individuals in relationship to others of their time (even with the best examples). This may improve in time and help us to prove our conclusions. It may also be used to examine the descendants of those who we are studying - if the remains of those individuals is good enough and if there is enough of those remains left to do so. 21) Domiciles (Homes), Estates & Villas. Knowing where the individuals that we are studying lived at any given time can help us to understand them better as we have with the Piso family. We know where they had homes, estates and villas because they wrote about them in their literature. And because some of them were discovered and we know a lot about the people who lived there from the physical evidence found at those homes (such as the Villa of the Pisos at Herculaneum). Pliny The Younger had a place at Lake Como, Italy and elsewhere. Arrius,as we know from our research, lived in various places at various times. It all helps us to better understand these individuals. 22) Literary Works of Individuals (if any and/or if any are known/recognized as a pen name used). In the case of Pliny The Younger, we know his literary works and we can compare those with the epistles of Paul. We know that Arrius Piso wrote as Josephus, and we can compare that with other literature in terms of the words, phrases and devices used. It is evident that Arrius Piso had written the prototype for The Revelation (because we find many of the exact terms used there as we do in his work), but it was his son Julius who wrote the finished product (see my work on the subject). 23) Later Sources. Though later sources are generally seen as secondary sources and not held with the same validity as early or primary sources, we know that the later authors too, were Inner-Circle, royal, and more than likely, direct descendants of the original authors. And also that within these families were private archives of material which was passed down from generation to generation such as manuscripts which were the original source material for many of their writings. 24) Name Elements. That is, the use of parts of names in order to manufacture new/different aliases. This is usually done by using two abbreviations of names which were combined to create a new one. As researchers who have found the source for the new or latter I.C. (inner-circle) foundation it makes sense to use that individuals examples in order to confirm our findings. That person being Arrius Piso. And so, we look at his alias names, etc. as examples which demonstrate just how he created his alias names. And to better understand how other alias names were likewise created. 25) S.O.P.K.A. (Standard Practice Of Record-Keeping in Antiquity). To understand this one must know the true nature of ancient history and how such records were being recorded, by whom and for what purposes. Our research into this area has uncovered a number of items that were used over and over again, so having this pattern, we can tell what items were standardized within royal writing practices. We see the use of precedents and replication/duplication of various items and devices. Knowing what to look for reveals to us the standardized practice of the use of various literary devices, which demonstrates intent of each author using those devices. With the establishment of INTENT to deceive on the part of these ancient authors, we are bound to view them and their writings with this always in mind. 26) Belief Pretense and/or Philosophy or Politic. Another way that may help us to determine if one person is using an alias or alternate identity is to find whether or not their pretended belief, philosophy or politics are the same. I say pretended belief, because royals invented religion and used it to control the non-royal masses; not to believe in themselves. There were many people of the same family line who were stoics and knowing this can help to find their place within that family. You will find that many of the Pisos and their close family and friends were stoics. 27) Letter Values & Equivalents. Letters were switched which could be interchanged. Remember that letters could be equal to one another in various ways. One of those ways was in their number (value) which made one letter the same as another in terms of their value. We can see a good exchange of letter such as N with R (Arrius and Annius). A P was valued the same as an R and so, were often used to change a name from say, Appian to Arrian. 28) Letter Value & Equivalents Proof. How can we confirm the use of letter values and equivalents? Through logical deduction we deduce that even though ancient royals were taught to use this language within a language they were also busy and valued time as they knew the reality of life (that this is the only real life that we have), the codes in that language began to get rather complex and to save time code wheels were created. These would have been something which looked something like the Tibetan Prayer Wheel; except that the wheels which would turn within a cylinder would turn so as to line up the letter and possibly the number equivalents of certain letters. Also, IF as we claim, these certain letters were used in the way that we have said, then we will be able to find those same letters used in the way that we describe - in a repetitive fashion. That, would be proof. Therefore, there is the possibility that one of these wheels may be physically found and/or described in some old or ancient text somewhere. In fact, it seems that I remember reading in some ancient text/s descriptions of such a device or one similar to it. Perhaps I have noted that in my research notes. One of the things that I discovered in my research is that even though there was already an inner-circle and a royal language in use before Arrius Piso and his family created and promoted Christianity, that royal language and the inner circle was changed by Arrius Piso. The royal language became more complex and the inner-circle (meaning rulers and the heads of religion) in the West (i.e. Britain, Europe and the near East) came to be primarily made up of direct descendants of Arrius Piso. 29) NT Authors. The only real key to understanding the true nature of ancient history is in discovering the truth about the creation of Christianity. And that is because when the NT was created it was a critical time in the world of royalty; it was the cusp of change and the NT texts and the history of that time show us those differences. Many things are explained by the authors of the day... but only when it is understood in the proper context. The NT authors wanted to be known. And so, they made that possible. However, they did not make it easy. They wanted the truth about who they were and what they did to be known, but only at some point far off in the distant future. What were some of the ways that they chose to show us who they were? Well, I have mentioned a great deal about that already. But add to that that they included their own family members, ancestors and enemies in the NT story itself. Using those elements narrows down just who the authors were. But again, you would have to know or discover that this is what they did in order to look for that evidence. 30) Ancient Inventions & Technology (See my books on this subject matter). 31) Why all of the puzzles & mysteries in ancient texts? With so many examples of names, dates and places (specific locations) left out of so many accounts in ancient texts why doesnt that raise a red flag for us? Why do we just accept that these ancient authors wrote what they did, as they did, with no real purpose or reason for doing so? There are too many examples where ancient authors could have very easily prevented speculation and misunderstandings simply by being clear and specific; by stating names and/or dates without being ambiguous. But, they did not. When we look into this further we find that these authors almost always chose very critical information to omit. In fact, a lot of thought would have gone into trying to figure out just how much to say and how much not to say about any given thing so as to cause what they were writing to be ambiguous and confusing. Thus, we can conclude that this was something which was done deliberately as well.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:18:24 +0000

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