DEVELOPING THE GOD KIND OF PATIENCE: God is a Patient God. He - TopicsExpress


DEVELOPING THE GOD KIND OF PATIENCE: God is a Patient God. He sees things as they should be and not what they are and therefore exercise long patience and forbearance until they materialize. God who is a patient God does not see what is; He sees what could be and so could wait patiently for it to manifest. In every sinner, He sees a saint. In every trial, He sees triumph. In every problem, He sees solution. His expectations are always on the positive that is why He could exercise patience for them to manifest. In the evil heart of the wicked, He sees the possibility of repentance. God’s patience means salvation for the sinner. Whenever God gives a vision, He stands at the end of that vision, but patiently waits for you to catch the vision, believe in it and take relevant steps that could lead to the end of that vision. When God ask you to engrave in your heart the vision He gives you, it is not that He will forget. He waits for you to keep the vision before you, so you could work towards it, until it becomes reality. When you lose sight of the vision, the devil could snatch it away from you and also rob you of the benefit of its realization. You will lose your patience when you lose sight of the vision. You need a dose of God’s patience if you are to lay hold on all that God has for you. As powerful as faith is, a vital force that makes it to deliver is patience. Patience is one of God’s characters we are to imbibe and also to allow Him work out in us. Patience helps you to develop godly stamina. Even though God gave you promises, most of them are not going to be delivered in a day. Patience is the time span between God’s promise and its manifestation. If you don’t want to miss out on the fulfillment of those wonderful prophecies and promises, you need to patiently wait for them to manifest. The difference between those who gave up too soon and lost out of God’s wonderful promises and those who persevered and enjoyed the benefit is patience. If you don’t want to miss out on the ultimate reward, patience is a must. We are to be patient in tribulation. Every trial of life is for a season and always precedes testimony. Patience sees the vision and refuses to let go until it becomes reality. Patience sees the crown and says, “I must wear it”. The enemy knows the vision is realizable; he knows the goal is achievable; he knows the victory can be won; that is why he would not let you have it without a fight. The devil wants to wear you out that’s why he brings problems, challenges and the storms of life your way, so as to deny you of the victory and ultimate reward. But with the godly virtue of patience, you can knock him down and out. Patience develops in you the stamina and character needed to breakthrough to your next level. David demonstrated this godly virtue and reaped the tremendous benefits of it. The difference between the age at which he was anointed and when he actually ascended the throne was a matter of time expressed in years. Patient waiting is not sitting down and doing nothing; it is doing what is required until the promise manifests. Abraham waited patiently to receive the covenant child after 25 years. God’s patience is what makes Him a Good Father and a Great Lover. The first characteristic of love is patience. God who is love is also a patient God. That stresses its vital importance in the life of the believer. God expresses His anger and hot displeasure with restrain. He can ignore transgression and pass over iniquity because He sees in a person the potential for repentance and change of character. Therefore; He would wait patiently for the person while seeking ways to work on His character. Whatever God will do in your life will surely be beautiful and colourful; therefore, He does not have to be in a hurry over it. Great and beautiful things take time for processing, and whatever will take time requires the virtue of patience. Some wonderful and lasting relationships need a lot of patience at the outset. You surely need to exercise patience and tolerance for God to work on the other person’s character.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:11:06 +0000

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