DIABETES, CELIAC, LUPUS, RA, CHRONS, GRAVES, GUILLAIN BARRE, HASHIMOTOS, IBD, MS, SJOGRENS... CANDIDA FUNGUS!! Candida yeast is a FUNGUS and we all have it. We are born with it. When everything is in balance, you wont even know its there. But when the balance shifts.....that is another story. Scientists believe that Candidas only purpose is to decompose your body after you die. Even though this sounds gross, it’s totally natural and everything works just fine…until we disrupt the ecosystem we have in our colon. Antibiotics, although often necessary, are the biggest offender. Once you take an antibiotic, it kills the bad bacteria, but also kills the good bacteria. So now you have dead bacteria floating around in your colon. And fungus, like Candida, likes to eat dead matter. As the fungus eats the dead bacteria, it grows and continues to fill your colon, taking your immune system hostage. It puts your body into early decomposition mode, which is where the various auto-immune diseases have opportunity to attack; DIABETES, CELIAC, LUPUS, RA, CHROHNS, GRAVES, GUILLAIN BARRE, HASHIMOTOS, IBD, MS, SJOGRENS just to name a few. Since 80% of our immune system is in the colon, this makes perfect sense! An even more alarming fact is that Candida can perforate the membrane lining within the digestive system. This allows undigested or partially digested food to literally leak out. When this happens, a person is at risk for more than 180 different toxic byproducts to be absorbed into the blood stream. Eventually, these toxins will not only affective the digestive system but other parts of the body. The body is alerted to the invader and creates antibodies for protection, activates the immune system, and thus is born a food allergy. Food allergies are directly linked to leaky gut and candida yeast infection overgrowth. Doctors recommend a good probiotic to combat Leaky Gut Syndrome. So why take the Plexus Probio5 probiotic? Because our probiotic has 5 strands of probiotics and healthy enzymes, but more importantly, ours has an antifungal! There are NO OTHER antifungal probiotics on the market. Probio5 kills the bad stuff and repopulates the good stuff. The Probio5 works with the BioCleanse to restore your digestive system and your colon to a healthy state. They are the superheroes for your immune system. Get your gut healthy and watch your ailments go away!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:30:00 +0000

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