DID YOU FEEL THE BIG SHIFT IN COSMIC ENERGY TODAY? BY French Quarter Medium Maria Shaw Saturn moved out of the sign of Scorpio today where it has been since October 2012 and into the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn tests us to the brink. Just ask any of your Scorpio friends what their lives have been like the past two years and they will tell you it has been nothing but hard work. But theres good news coming for them now. Saturn will leave a big reward now that it has finally exited on December 23rd Saturn only comes around every 29.5 years to visit each sign. And when it does, people feel challenged and forced to make changes as well as addressing issues they may not want to. But Saturn knows best and this planet will push you to your limit and back. Think of a Saturn cycle like this; you are in school for a specific area of study. Your lessons may have to do with work or love or health or any number of things. You are tested over the course of the 2.5 years and then rewarded on how well youve done and of course, if you pass the test. No matter what sign you are (you dont have to be Scorpio) you have had at least one area of life tested. If youve worked hard and learned a lot, then rewards are coming after December 23rd. Thats when Saturn will then move into Sagittarius. When it does, the signs most affected will be Sag, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces but wherever you have Sagittarius in your natal chart, is the area you are to firm up in the next 2.8 years. If you dont know what your new Saturn lesson is, you my order a one question reading and I will give you great details on what you expect, what you should be working toward and how Saturn in Sag will correctly affect you. Just ask What does Saturn in Sagittarius mean for me? mariashaw/#!ask-maria/c161y When Saturn was in the sign of Cancer, back in 2003 to 2005, it was on my sun sign. I didnt really have a lot of hard issues to deal with. Being an astrologer I knew it was coming so I firmed up the problem areas in my life ahead of time so they would not be issues. I lost my contract with TV Guide Channel when my producer was let go from the network, which was a huge blow for me and my beloved dog of 17 years died. But for some of my other Cancer friends; the transit was much worse. Some lost their homes to foreclosure, lost jobs, got divorced and lost weight too. Saturn is great for weight loss! Saturn wants us to redefine and restructure our lives in some way. So it pushes us by bringing up challenges to address. Saturn will hit most people three times over the course of the 2.8 years it will be in Sag. The first round will reveal where you should make the changes as it reveals the problem/issue. Then during the second hit, you are forced to take action and make the correction. By the third time if you have not made any changes Saturn will take care of it for you and its not as pleasant that way. When Saturn leaves Sag and moves into Capricorn years from now, you will receive a big reward for the Sagittarius Saturn lesson. After Saturn Cancer in 2005, I threw a Goodbye Saturn party. I invited all of my Cancer friends and one Capricorn showed up for good measure. We all toasted Saturn goodbye and warned our Leo and Aquarius friends of what to expect. Then the rewards started flowing in and my Cancer friends were reporting new homes, new lovers and new jobs with big benefits! I was able to purchase a modest home on Mackinac Island that I still enjoy in the summer. That was a wonderful gift from Saturn! So what is your lesson? What will come of Saturns transit into Sagittarius for you? We will all feel a shift this holiday season as it moves from the water sign of Scorpio to the fire sign of Sagittarius. Remember, wherever it falls in your chart, no matter what sign you are, you will embark on new lessons and rewards! Saturn can be our greatest teacher and clear a path for us if we are willing to work with it rather than against the energy. Great times come after Saturn transits are successfully completed. So work hard. Roll up your sleeves and get ready because a new and exiting shift in your life is on its way. For Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, Saturn will be leaving you a gift very soon. Get ready to receive! Have a blessed week, Maria
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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