DID YOU KNOW? In the entire history of human civilization, - TopicsExpress


DID YOU KNOW? In the entire history of human civilization, there has perhaps only been one eunuch who managed to rise to the position of Prime Minister. This man was named Zhao Gao (? - 207BC), who was a minister of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. (PS pic below) An expert on law and punishment, Zhao steadily climbed through the ranks, offering advice to the emperor on how he could effectively control society. A Legalist, Zhao advocated the use of fear and psychological manipulation in order to keep everybody in check. He encouraged the use of cruel and unusual punishments, which included dismemberment and live burial. Zhao is considered one of the most corrupt, villainous and morally repugnant characters in Chinese history, and with good reason. After the emperor died in 210BC, his will stated that his older son Fusu should return to the capital and take the throne. As Fusu was under exile in a faraway land for displeasing his father, he had no idea that his father was dead. This gave Zhao ample opportunity to concoct a fake document, and get the emperors signature forged. This was sent to Fusu. On the fake will, it stated: On the emperors orders, Prince Fusu and General Meng Tian are ordered to commit suicide for sedition. Without question, Fusu drew his sword and slit his own throat. General Meng Tian, Fusus bodyguard, did the same. Annihilating those two threats was not enough to appease Zhao Gao. He had General Mengs entire family executed for treason. With no one to stand in his way, Zhao Gao was able to install the emperors younger son Huhai on the throne, and thereby make himself Prime Minister. Unfortunately, Huhai proved to be an inept and indecisive ruler, who relied solely on Zhao Gaos counsel. Zhao was therefore able to turn Huhai into his puppet, forcing the young man to dance to his tune. There is a famous episode which recounts how Zhao Gao used fear in order to keep everybody in check. The story goes that he once organized a meeting of court officials (today, we call it a session in Parliament). He brought a deer into the court, and said, Good morning, gentlemen! I just thought Id begin by remarking what a beautiful looking horse this is, dont you agree? Surely his excellency is speaking in jest, said the emperor. This clearly is a deer, not a horse. Ignoring the emperor, Zhao once again said in a serious tone, Gentlemen - Wouldnt you agree that this is a beautiful looking horse? Some officials, afraid to contradict him, replied, Yes, yes, it is. However, some others, not content to submit to him, said, This is very clearly a deer, not a horse. Zhao had all the guys who disagreed with him executed. From that day, nobody dared to question him. In two years time, the people had grown very unhappy with the new emperor. Finally, a major revolution broke out, and the emperor was in a dire situation. At the time, the emperor turned to Zhao Gao for help. Zhao Gao, help me, Zhao Gao! he shrieked in desperation. These rebels are after me, tell me, what should I do?!!! If you dont want them to take you alive, then you should kill yourself, shrugged Zhao Gao. Theres nothing I can do about it. With no one to turn to, the emperor killed himself in desperation. Zhao Gao then installed the emperors uncle as emperor. However, this guy was a little smarter. He had Zhao Gao assassinated, and surrendered to Liu Bang, the rebel leader who would establish the Han Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty came to an end in 207BC. There is just one thing I dont understand about this Zhao Gao fellow - I mean, he was a eunuch, wasnt he? So whats the point of fighting so hard to amass all that wealth and power... If you dont have the tool to enjoy it with? XD
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:33:50 +0000

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