DIRTY POLITICS IN DONGA MANTUNG DIVISION ON THE POLITICS OF THE AREA I have been observing with keen interest all that goes on in Donga Mantung especially the actions and intentions of the two major political parties that we have out there. I have not been this keen basically because we are in an elections year, but ...also because there is something that we all – I mean sons and daughters of that division so much want to see come to pass . That is nothing other than development and meaningful change in the socio-political and economic landscape of the almighty Donga mantung division. However, this has not been forth coming, not because our politicians are so weak, but because they are powerful beyond measure. There is political decay in Donga Mantung. In the present dispensation, indigenes have been thought to Believe in political parties more than they Believe in their bibles. Unfortunately all of these political parties talk mostly of democracy-Social Democratic Front, and Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement. Although the Ds have a deeper meaning-DEVELOPMENT, the people and politicians of this division are still to come to terms with that word. There comes a time in a man’s life, that of a people too when he and or they have to put aside childish things and face life from a positive perspective. That time is now for Donga Mantung. I donot mean the time to vote SDF or CPDM for these two I do not know neither do I understand their language. I mean the time to vote DEVELOPMENT-that is my party. For this to be possible and usher Donga Mantung into long awaited glory, political leaders and supporters MUST learn to conjugate efforts so as to secure meaningful development. The problem with Donga Mantung is not that our political leaders are so weak; our problem is that they are powerful beyond measure, but have chosen to go along as individuals. Someone was right when he said¨ two hands can carry a bee hive, one man’s ability is not enough¨ Are our politicians aware of this? If yes! What stops them from forming a DEVELOPMENT FRONT? In the case of development it is a win-win game. But we are plunged into a partisan war fare which has not only retarded the growth and development of our division, but has caused fear to reign supreme in the division. CPDM fanatics do not want to hear that dozens of their militant cross carpeted, they are interested to hear that hundreds of SDF die hearts decamped to their party and vice versa, there are attacks and counter attacks on both sides and I am afraid we should expect the unexpected when campaigns officially take off and the out come of the upcoming elections may see some people leave never to return. They may leave not because they have been exiled or banished for witchcraft but for the simple fact that their expectations of having the C or the S party emerge victorious have not met with the WILL OF GOD. This is politics of bitterness. Politics in Donga mantung can be carefully defined as “ the logical organization of hatred- brother against brother, sister against sister, village against village, clan against clan etc. This is madness. Why can’t we build a Donga Mantung where the Awudus and the Ndombangs, the Ntalas and the Ngandongs, the Mangohs and the Bantars, the Karngongs and the Kanfons etc would walk together? Must we fight each other in the name of politics? What lessons are we teaching the younger generations? WHATEVER WE DO, LET IT BE BORNE IN MIND THAT SOCIETY WOULD JUDGE US BY WHAT WE BUILD AND NOT WHAT WE DESTROY. ON JOURNALISM This is another area of decay. Journalism undoubtedly is the forth estate but unfortunately, the way it is practiced in Donga Mantung is so annoying to the spirit. Let us leave aside the print media because their engines grind with some appreciable degree of decency. But as for the audio visuals the situation is chaotic. Not only are the media houses owned by politician the fun in the whole issue is that the ¨press men¨ have been spoon fed with party slogans to the extent that some of them no longer know the difference between a campaign ground and their studios talk less of the difference between a journalist and a politician. Yet some of these ¨gentle men¨ of the press go around with one shoulder taller than the other behaving as if they were chosen by God and spend time talking about themselves-there is this case where one of them even reported a story in which he was the main actor-I mean he chaired a meeting later wrote the report and presented it himself. In this case, how can objectivity be upheld. I know too well that every news organ has its editorial policy-one of which may be to promote the ideology of a particular political party. What I will like the young men who want to venture into journalism to know is that politicians and elections came and go but journalism remains. So don’t be so sentimentally attached to some of these guys because they will use you to achieve their aims and at the same time ruin your carrier. You may not be a professional, but I tell you an amateur who goes by the norms of a profession is preferred to a professional who by passes all or one professional ethics. DIGNITY MEANS DOING THE RIGHT THING EVEN WHEN NO ONE IS SEEING YOU AND THE POWER OF A JOURNALIST IS IN THE PEN OR THE TONGUE THAT UTTERS THE TRUTH. But we have be came so cheap to the point that we cannot call things by their names
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 09:51:52 +0000

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