DIVINE ACCELERATION -3 MAY GOD PLANT SEED OF GREATNESS IN ME: To every child of God and a child of purpose , believe it, that God has planted something in you to make you great. God has planted something in you that will take you to the head department. O yes! Some never discovered this at all. That is why the worst place to go is the burial ground. There, you see a lot of unfulfilled dreams and dead visions. There, you will see men who had dreams of what they wanted to do, but they were buried with that dreams. Our generation did not benefit from what they wanted to do because they had been buried with them. That is why one of the most solemn places on earth where you don’t have to tell people to stop making a noise is the cemetery. It is also one of the best preaching pulpits. Some people never discovered the Moses that God had planted in their lives. Some have been blinded completely to it. Some have been sent on a diversion. They are pursuing A when they should be in Z. Others have killed the Moses that God gave to them. Some have sold their Moses off. Some lost their Moses in the university while they were busy sampling girls who were marine agents. I DECREE TO YOU NOW, MAY YOU HARVEST THE SEED OF GREATNESS IN THE NAME OF JESUS.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:48:37 +0000

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