DO NOT ALLOW BITTERNESS AND ENVY TO BUILD A NEST IN YOUR HEART!!! Its not easy to be on the waiting list when it looks as if all around you, others seem to have had their break through and are living their dreams while nothing seems to be going right- I get that. Its perfectly normal to feel pained and to wonder - why not me? -I get that. You could even begin to wonder what the person has done specially, that you havent done more of, or even better. I get that. Its okay to feel some tinge of jealousy especially if you feel that the other person does not deserve the break and that you are better qualified, and so on- I get that. A normal/typical human being tends to think like this and it is okay to be tempted to think or feel this way. What is not okay, is nursing and indulging these feelings such that they grow into a huge mountain of resentment and bitterness. What is not okay, is giving in to this mounting sense of despair and allowing it to dictate your view of life and responses to others. Like a friend said to me today, people need to watch their inner feelings; what you nurture grows. When you become so blinded by inner resentment and anger towards others such that you cannot genuinely share in the victories and triumphs of others, then you need help. When you sincerely celebrate others, your own turn to be celebrated is just at the corner! So.#donotindulgenegativefeelings #donotallowbitternessandenvytobuildanestinyourheart. You cannot afford the repercussions. You may be able to control your actions, but never forget- the repercussions are not yours to control too. By: Unyime-Ivy King, Author: Burning Hurt
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:30:45 +0000

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