DO NOT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS I know this time of the year, Some - TopicsExpress


DO NOT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS I know this time of the year, Some Christians and non Christians will come up with the usual talk, Jesus wasnt born on the 25th of December, Christmas wasnt written in the Bible, Christmas is a pagan worship etc To many Christmas is rubbish, a time of the year when the hearts of ignorant people waste their time to worship a myth or religious rubbish. Smh... To think that millions of angels would bow down in the feet of Jesus and worship him (Rev 5:11) is just one of the reasons why His birth should be celebrated. They said there is nothing like Christmas in the Bible, well thats very correct. The Bible didnt say we shouldnt drink or smoke too, there is no where in the Bible God frowned at smokers but we Christians have added it to the Bible in our minds and made it Gods law...but have a problem adding Christmas to it...The celebration of Christ. There is no place in the Bible where the name pastor, revenered, bishop was mentioned but we accepted it but refused to accept the celebration of Christ, calling it a pagan worship. I do not think there is any where in the Bible where Easter was mentioned. If it is ok to celebrate Good Friday then nothing wrong in celebrating Christmas. A simple math calculation reveals that there are only 2 days between Good Friday and Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead. Obviously, Jesus had to die on THURSDAY and not Friday. He rose on the third day.... which means Jesus died on Thursday and rose on Sunday but instead of Good Thursday we celebrate Good Friday. I dont think it is bad to observe the Lords crucifixion on a Friday but the Bible does not command us to recognize Good Friday at all. In fact, the Bible doesnt instruct us to observe any holiday. But tell me, why shouldnt I celebrate His birth if I am allowed to celebrate His death?( earthly death, cos He still lives) In fact where in the Bible were we asked to go to church every Sunday? But we chose Sunday cos thats the day we believe God rested. Same thing about Jesus, when He was born He was celebrated and worshipped and also given gifts- thats the purpose of Christmas. Christmas is about God giving us gifts of eternal life, at the expense of the life and blood of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. I personally do not believe it is sinful to celebrate Christmas just as it isnt sinful to celebrate the birth of a family member. WAS JESUS BORN DECEMBER 25TH? A person whose birthday is on Feb 29th only has a birthday once every 4years (leap year) wouldnt be wrong if that person celebrates his birthday on a different date.... likewise I see no harm celebrating Jesus birthday on December 25th even if His actual birthday rests in a different month and date. I think its wonderful to celebrate the birth of the saviour, Gods gift to man kind. WHY DECEMBER 25TH? According to what I read, there was a saturnal celebration around the time of Christmas that pagans celebrated, which was actually a temptation for Christians to participate in that had pagan content to it. So the church changed the day that they celebrated the birth of Christ. They used to celebrate it in the Spring. But the church said, We can celebrate it any time we want. Lets celebrate it at the same time the pagans are celebrating their pagan festival. Itll act as a contrast to that pagan festival because our celebration is the birth of the Jesus Christ. It will protect Christians from being wooed away by this other celebration to participate in what was a pagan celebration. Now there is nothing at all wrong with that. Were not celebrating a pagan holiday because the pagan holiday was the saturnal and were not worshipping the god of Saturn, or whatever the content was. We are not doing that. The true meaning of Christmas has to do with Jesus Christ. The other things may be related, but it isnt about those things. Regardless of the pagan background or whether or not Jesus was born on December 25th, our goal is still to turn the eyes of all men upon the true creation and Christ of Christmas. The light of the world has come and the celebration presents the church with a wonderful opportunity to preach the good news - our saviour. If Christmas is a pagan holiday and shouldnt be celebrated then dont.. others believe in it... dont judge them.... if you celebrate Halloween, Easter, Good Friday which isnt Biblical then dont question those who have decided to celebrate Christmas. {Some parts culled}
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:07:02 +0000

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