DO vs BE Theresa Fleckenstein Crabtree January 21, 2014 I am - TopicsExpress


DO vs BE Theresa Fleckenstein Crabtree January 21, 2014 I am sure many of you can relate to the war within... the sense of urgency vs. just beeeeee.... Sometimes the sense of urgency nearly brings me to tears. I feel so overwhelmed, having too much to do and not enough time, money or energy to get things accomplished. And the ever-changing priorities! One day it seems I MUST do a certain thing, then the next three days it feels like it should just be set aside. Back and forth it goes. Do this NOW! Just be, go sit by a tree. Go here, go there today! Then the next day is the sense of “wasting” the whole day by doing nothing... taking a nap, walking in nature, watching a silly movie. When we have dilemmas, there always comes a point of submission. That happened to me this morning. After decades of this seesaw “do vs. be” lifestyle, I asked my Guides to help me understand. As usual, they were just waiting for me to ask. Why do I resist so much? Geez... They didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t already know... logically. However, because of my past experiences and desire to move forward with my life purposes, I was able to take in their words at a much deeper level. I share this experience with you, because I know many of you have the same questions. It is just part of our awakening growth pattern. THE SENSE OF URGENCY As we awaken to “Who We Really Are,” there comes and goes times when we have an urgency to go to a specific place, to do something or say something. Often, it makes no sense at the time, but when we follow through, hindsight often brings the purpose to light. What is happening is that our Guides are busily preparing scenarios that will help us fulfill our missions and even our lesser desires, such as a free dessert at the local bakery. They have to impress on the other players’ minds to go here, do this, do that, don’t do this or don’t say that. When we are in tune, hearing our Guides and following their leads, it is more likely we will show up at the right place and time. If we don’t, no worries, they’ll start working on another scenario and continue until the mission is complete. It’s rather complex when you think of each person having their own missions to complete and daily needs met. The number of Spirit Helpers alone would blow our minds! They have to pull every trick in the book and as creators, they are constantly adding new tricks to get our attention. They use all forms available to get our attention and to keep us focused enough to hopefully, pick up the clues and follow the trail. We are “free will” beings, so no matter how tantalizing their offers are, we don’t have to comply. No matter how dastardly the deed, we can always say, “No, thank you!” However, the most difficult task they face is our “amnesia,” forgetting “Who We Really Are” when we enter the Earth plane. The triple indemnity is the “Polarity Game.” We try at all costs to avoid the “Dark Side.” Yet, until we embrace the “Dark” as well as the “Light,” our suffering will continue. Seek the balance point of “Compassion” and the road instantly smooths out. Back to the sense of urgency, when you feel this “push,” take a moment to go within and quiet your world. If you are already tuned into your Guides, just follow the lead and watch the magic unfold. It’s a good idea to not become too attached to the outcome, for often you’re just taking one step towards something in your Path, or often you’re being called into service to help another’s plea for help. Don’t question it, just do it. If you are not in tune with your Guides, then I suggest you be cautious, because there are many ornery souls out there who love to mess with people. Also, our brains are over-active, always thinking up things to do or say. These thoughts are based on our belief codes and if yours are based on fear, you’re not going to feel so comfortable about responding in the same way you would if your belief codes are based on love and compassion. So let’s flip over to the “Do-er” side for a moment. There are many thing humans can do to get a deeper connection with their Guides. Once connected, it’s a much easier path to knowing what to do, when to do it, what to say and receiving those wanted and needed items to make life more comfortable on Earth. We can call it “the flow.” I am probably not telling you anything you don’t already know, but it sure helped me this morning to hear it again, so take what you want and leave the rest. My Guides emphasized first and foremost the need to stay “centered” at all times. How do we do that? First is to take care of our bodies which is the chosen vehicle to fulfill our Earth’s purpose. What does your body need? Ask it! Really! Your body talks to you all the time, but how often do you listen? That sense of urgency and resistance are too often the victors. Start your morning, before you even open your eyes and ask your body what it needs. Listen and in time, you will hear the responses as a voice, a knowingness, an ache or a pain. One thing our body needs Is exercise: stretching, strength and aerobics. Find ways to add these to your daily routine. You don’t have to join a gym or zumba class. There are tons of free resources online, so don’t use lack of money as an excuse. Set aside one or more short sessions throughout the day, 10-20 minutes is usually sufficient. You’re worth it. Another important factor to keeping our machines running smoothly is diet and water. Educate yourselves on what’s good and what’s not. Again, the internet has all you need. Seek sites that are wholistic in nature. Massage and acupressure are important, too. They keep the energy flowing smoothly. You can do much of this on yourself. Start by placing your hands over your tensed areas. Focus on those muscles, telling your body to relax. Once they have relaxed, with your fingertips, find the a spot in that area thats hurt when mild pressure is applied. Push to the point of medium pain on that site with your fingertip. Hold for five seconds. Then seek out other sore spots and do the same. This gets the energy flowing again. The whole time you are doing this process, stay tuned into your body, keeping it relaxed. When your hands get tired, stop. The whole idea is to relax. If you don’t have the funds to get a massage on a regular basis, buddy up with a friend and do the muscle relax and acupressure points with them. Yep, you’re both worth it! Gaining control of your thoughts, words and actions is imperative if you want to be mentally alert and relaxed. When you are in a space of inner peace, you are better able to know the difference between your left brain yakking and your Spirit Guides talking. The clarity you will gain is worth the extra effort. As you change to better habits, your energy and clarity will skyrocket. As you learn to “do” what your Guides suggest (they only have your best interests at heart), then you will also have plenty of time to “be,” for there is always the balance of activity and rest. The more tuned in you are, the easier it is for your Guides to lead you toward the people, places, events and funding to make your role on Earth productive as well as enjoyable. That’s the whole reason they signed up to work with you in the first place! Theresa Fleckenstein Crabtree is an author, educator and spiritual counselor. Her role on Earth is to assist “Lightworkers” to awaken to their full potential during this time of Transition. She’s already seen two of her home planets destroyed and doesn’t want the same to happen to Earth. For information on her services and offerings, visit t-a-d-a and theresacrabtree.wordpress Feel free to share and post this article wherever you feel it is appropriate. I only ask that you keep it in its entirety, including the bio and website portions.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 00:05:08 +0000

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