DOMESTIC VIOLENCE = CHILD ABUSE AND MURDER Virginia just 32 years old is now another statistic in the war against Domestic Violence.She had told her boyfriend that she wanted to split up, but his reaction was to stab her to death, in front of her 14 year old daughter. Her daughter tried to help her mom and sustained a serious hand injury, but she was unable to save her life, despite phoning for help from family. Her little brother 4 years old was in the home, but thankfully not hurt. Virginia would have been 33 years old tomorrow Monday, a day that was meant to be one of celebration now it is one to mourn, a birthday that she never got to celebrate all due to her abuser. He was well known to the police and had numerous incarcerations yet all mainly in a different state, allowing him the freedom to continue to abuse and now murder Virginia, simply for saying she didnt want him in her life anymore or his abuse. To her daughter I pray that she gets the help and support that she will need for a long time to come, she did all that she could to protect her mom and it was in no way her fault that her mom died. Her injury has her in surgery, but she is expected to recover. Virginia you are in heaven and he is in hell, so can never hurt you again. Love your babies from the arms of the angels. Lurleen Nolonger Victims ™ Bad 4 BURN Finding and Supporting the Missing Children of America
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:22:54 +0000

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