DON’T LIKE IT. READ IT. The more friends we have the less do we - TopicsExpress


DON’T LIKE IT. READ IT. The more friends we have the less do we use our facebook for knowledge profit. We only handle data …. INSTANT KNOWLEDGE AGAINST THE WORLDS BRAINDEAD-MOVEMENT WITH THE INSTANT KNOWLEDGE MACHINE OF THE SD_ECBS (6 million visitors) SEEMS TO BE NOT ENOUGH! HERE IS THE DESK, THE SUPPORTERS-DESK, GROUNDED IN 1983 IN THE ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS? I mean who ‘s got the idea to create something called SUPPORTERS DESK IN THE 1980TH LOL. …and what is it in the end, a band , fashion, movement? But we dont like to get cancer from this politics!... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=678053502229572&set=a.678039858897603.1073741833.237775506257376&type=1&theater Im in the heavy-internet-research since 7 years...try to work on a pretty instant informing machine for all against worlds brain damaged-movement LOL Best support on top , tell your friends.........??.......The gods come!......THIS IS THE SD_ECBS NEWSFEED OF THE LATEST IN WORLD WIDE UFO-RESEARCH AND SO A POSSIBLE FIGHTBACK OF THE DARWINISM-THESIS, because there is too much coming up now through the internet showing the bible is now a book to keep the table in balance HAHAHA The BEN DE BRUYCKER HYPOTHESIS 1: Everything in Evolution was developed by its needs. So why is the human brain so overextended and bored with its functions that even Mr. Einstein used only 14-17% of his brain-capacity even with the Cabala brain enlargement techniques. So to me it is the indication number 1 that we are made by ancestors written down in the bible and so we work on this research in the Internet... Imagine some generations before we only collected fruits and so simple stuff apart from protecting ourselfs in the danger of a animal attack. Today we fly helicopters or jets and drive cars with a tremendous speed, while talking with on mobile phones and switched the cd-player while driving the car............. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A WARM WELCOME TO CREATIONISM!!! Hi there and thanks for friends. Im Ben and the SD_ECBS CEO and online since 7 years of research. My age is 48 was 25 years at the TV-postpro. All the data Ive found I put in the comment-feeds on facebook so everybody can use it and post it if they want. They are open source and for non-facebook-user available. I’m a member of the United Artists for Earthoptimization we invented and we work on it! ON THE FRONTLINE OF THE INFOWARS DATA LINKS & VIDEOS ARE DELETED DAILY SO TRY TO FIND IT ON YOUTUBE OR GOOGLES UNDER THE SAME TITLE PLEASE IF SOMETHING IS NOT AVAILABLE THIS SERVER SYSTEM WORKS VERY SLOW AND IS DOWN-COMPATIBLE TO 3rd WORD PC-TECHNOLOGY AND MOBILE PHONES. SO EVERY WORLD-CITIZENS GOT THE CHANCE TO GET ON THE SAME INFORMRED LEVEL LIKE US, THE TEAM SD_ECBS. SOME OF US WORKED VERY HARD THE PAST 5 YEARS TO GET ALL TOGETHER LIKE DAILY 12-15 HOURS OF RESEARCH AND PROGRAMMING. THIS IS NONPROFIT AND ADD-FREE! THIS IS UNDER THE LEAD OF THE GODS. EARTH NEED A CHANGE! So you start with a click on this pic for more information service this is the SD_ECBS FREE DATABASE presented on facebook for nonprofit earth-optimizing reasons. STUDY THE COMMENT-FEEDS OF OUR ALBUMS. THATS FASTER THAN YOU SEARCH FOR ALL DATA! TELL YOUR FRIENDS. SUPPORT US! The fact is that this extraordinary paradise planet earth is destroyed because the consciousness of uniqueness to experience a planet orbiting exactly on the flight path around the sun, which keeps the temperature between -270 and + 1000 exactly a pleasant temperature , oh miracle, a magnetic field has that supports us from radioactive radiation from space and has much valuable water you can imagine not at all, that should have even brought about worn all comets , we have a moon without which there would be no stable weather conditions, but in the morning monsoon , has lunch desert Storm +30 degrees and evening snowstorm - 20 degrees , so stabilizes our planet and al s evolution catalyst acts . All the Indians know something but certainly not a citizen of the Western World ! youtube/watch?v=r87wJ1QmyYw&feature=relmfu The Western industrial world is at it’s end. She was only built up the passed on colonialism in capitalism. Whether Messrs. Rockefeller and Company have now instigated all times what is the secret societies today do not care. The Indians are more advanced than we are because they live in balance with nature and near the gods WE HAVE BETTER SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGYBUSINESS THAN THIS. Its a matter of politics... The higher ranks (aliens & spacegods ) have enough of our nuclear power research because of impact on the whole universe so they give signs for better energy solutions!!!!! WOW THIS IS A SD_ECBS DATA-CONTAINER ON FACEBOOK FOR FREE. All information you will find by a click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SUPPORT US OUR WORK AND THE UNITED ARTISTS FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION. Post this all around: Help to share our information-services the SD_ECBS NEWSFEEDS https://facebook/groups/209226609114914 https://facebook/groups/181913338529827 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 Help to share our information-services the SD_ECBS DATABANKS blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348664361835156&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=277530405615219&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.555319457836311.1073741827.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.362375123797413.92453.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.432386526796272.104730.237775506257376&type=3 Support us! We are the supporters-desk. Grounded in 1983!!! on the pic for full information service. We are no religion-legion we are just artist for a better understanding based on research and data. facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk GENERAL SUBJECTS ON EARTHOPTIMIZATION supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 2-3 nonprofit environmental support facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 1 nonprofit environmental support facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 4 nonprofit environmental support ancestors research facebook/pages/OCCUPY-1Anunnaki/179697398779073 facebook/photo.php?fbid=186307808118032&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=180540632028083&set=a.180539938694819.45981.179697398779073&type=1&theater All our last 6000 postings you will find on TWITTER twitter/MISNICvisit 6 YEARS ON FREE ENERGY INTERNET RESEARCH FOUND THIS: WE ALL ARE TRAPPED INTO NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN SINCE 700 YEARS!!! SO please take the time to read this and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!.............The wasting of our planet for all time with nuclear power technology or fracking is just out of the fact that this technology is a NONDEVELOPED AND UNSAFE TECHNOLOGY. IT WAS BROUGHT INTO THE WORLDS ENERGY MARKETS AS A COLD WAR PROPAGANDA-TOOL! YOU CAN SEE IT IN THE HANDLING OF THE NUCLEAR WASTE OR BETTER SAY THAT WE HAVE THE NUCLEAR WASTE IN THE END. AFTER TSCHERNOBIL AND FUKUSHIMA We better stop right now AND WORK ON BETTER ENERGY SOLUTIONS WE STILL HAVE SINCE 1269! THE MAGNETIC FIELD FREE FUNNING ENGINE! IT’S POLITICS THAT WE HAVE IT NOT! AFTER MORE AND MORE TROUBLE IN THE USA THEY TRY TO INSTALL THE WASTING TECHNOLOGY FRACKING NOW ALL AROUND THE WORLD WITH THE ARGUMENT GAS GOTS LOWER PRIZES. THIS IS NO ARGUMENT FOR THE GREATER DAMAGE WE HAVE WITH THESE TECHNOLOGIES!!! youtube/watch?v=RkLfpXpO5sQ youtube/watch?v=AnTkL20mbAU& facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105708491022&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater THE ENERGY MONOPOLS youtube/watch?v=UdOFAAgTUqo INFO FRACKING SINCE 1949 DAMAGE IN THE US! supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=194&Itemid=30 Please check the comments of the picture for full information service facebook/photo.php?fbid=471070606261197&set=a.471070456261212.115467.237775506257376&type=3&theater and 700 years of lie! Thanks for your LIKE IT’S!!! Here’s some more……… We all are leaded by the gods??....After the Sumerians, Celts, Germanics, Egypts, Greeks, Maya and Inka....and many more Indians..... Magnetism is our gods creation? It protects us from the sunlight-radiation, it is the future for all energy-sources it let us hear with speaker systems and WE LIVE ON A MAGNET CALLED MOTHER EARTH youtube/watch?v=ORDUXw3k8eY At first we all have to change and to forget all we have learned at school. Better say why have we learned all that at school that energy comes from a power supply? It is making money...... SD_ECBS support the BAGDAT-BATTERY-DISCLOSURE and all of the high culture of Egypt even a lot cam from the Sumerians. Today batteries can be found in any grocery, drug, convenience and departement-store you come across. But there have been some 2ooo years old found near the ruins of the Parthians village believed to date between 248 b.C. and 226 a.D. All pictures are taken in a temple near Abydos, Seti facebook/media/set/?set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3 NICOLA TESLA started at first with the old knowledge of the Egypts and wanted a change but the moneymakers with Edison have won at the end. Imagine how the world of today would be with free energy If Tesla was successful during his age? I cant imagine. The main work of Nicola was on the free energy supply for all... you will understand this by watching this little demonstration-video. Energy is everywhere because the particles naturally are in the air even produce some. Real hard it gives a thunderstorm....FREE ENERGY ......Some laugh about that. Heres your mobil-phone power-supply facebook/media/set/?set=a.415880301780228.101811.237775506257376&type=3 Its no matter of petition. I think it depends on a kick ass?.....pls comment... facebook/media/set/?set=a.354722461229346.89885.237775506257376&type=3 Maybe there has been a lot of stuff developed we even didnt know by now This is a bomb. The Ark of the Covenant was hostet at Gizehs Big Pyramide? youtube/watch?v=vuINhmT3V8Yv=7bgnluRWIqs&feature=player_embedded The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk GENERAL SUBJECTS ON EARTHOPTIMIZATION supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348664361835156&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=277530405615219&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 2-3 nonprofit environmental support facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 1 nonprofit environmental support facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall All our last postings you will find on TWITTER twitter/MISNICvisit so you cant miss anything all the best for the weekend your TEAM SD_ECBS Support us! We are the supporters-desk. Grounded in 1983!!! on the pic for fill information service facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the really important information into the world of the information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about!!!!! LOL …and after 7 years of research in the www it would be great to give us some support! Help to share our information-services, newsfeeds and databanks for free. This is nonprofit environmental support and needed to be shared to all people worldwide.(Post to all) from here Hi there and this nonprofit environmental support service is new installed. Please share our data and tell everyone. Hope you LIKE IT! Open the photo (pic)-bank and enjoy the links and videos weve found during the past 6 years of research. Im Ben and the SD_ECBS CEO and online since 6 years of research. My age is 48 was 25 years at the TV-postpro. All the data Ive found I put in the comment-feeds on facebook so everybody can use it and post it if they want. They are open source and for non-facebook-user available. I’m a member of the United Artists for Earthoptimization we invented and we work on it! facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater so you cant miss anything all the best for the weekend your TEAM SD_ECBS Support us! We are the supporters-desk. Grounded in 1983!!! on the pic for fill information service facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater Sometimes higher ranks seems to order others to create KICK ASS AGENCIES...... facebook/photo.php?fbid=348121571889435&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater click on the picture for full information in the facebook-comment-feed. The United Artists for Earthoptimization! Time by time the gods did have kick ass departments like us! The SD_ECBS. So interested in our work for earthoptimizing reasons? Open the comment-feed on facebook of this picture and enjoy the research we did for all... Support us! We are the supporters-desk. Grounded in 1983!!! on the pic for full information service. We are no religion-legion we are just artist for a better understanding based on research and data. facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater This is the NEWSFEED for EARTHOPTIMIZATION so to speak making things better or even or mother earth LIKES IT! including the latest of mankinds discoveries shared up in subjects. Go back in the timeline and open all comments for full service. youtube/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw&feature=player_embedded facebook/photo.php?fbid=10150323092440817&set=a.394072360816.168012.300478260816&type=1&theater We are the United Artists for EARTHOPTIMIZATION organized in the MISNIC.COM - network for earthoptimization and visitorsenlightenment of the SD_ECBS. supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=66&Itemid=30 and this is it what its all about. myspace/earthoptimization/photos/2007030#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A1973490%7D facebook/photo.php?fbid=161153970649134&set=a.109716732459525.13714.100002635975442&type=1&theater RESEARCHERSSUPPORT SD_ECBS COLLECTION OF THE REAL EARTHOPTIMIZORZZ OF THE OUTSTANDING PETRUS PERIGRINUS against the 700 years lie about the free energy discovery https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=581029041932019&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.471070456261212.115467.237775506257376&type=3 JOHNSON free running magnetic engines for a pollution free world https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=360059294028996&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.471070456261212.115467.237775506257376&type=3 BRUCE DI PALMA free running magnetic engines for a pollution free world https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=360066874028238&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.471070456261212.115467.237775506257376&type=3 TROY REED free running magnetic engines for a pollution free world https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=360061510695441&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.471070456261212.115467.237775506257376&type=3 MIKE BRADY free running magnetic engines for a pollution free world https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=360065670695025&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.471070456261212.115467.237775506257376&type=3 STANLEY MEYER HHO-inventor for a pollution free world https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=360059800695612&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.402147743153484.99556.237775506257376&type=3 ERICH VON DÄNIKEN SD_ECBS support the lifetime outstanding research https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=383770271657898&set=a.360053300696262.91864.23777 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=204&Itemid=30#p1370 NASSIM HARAMEIN SD_ECBS support the lifetime outstanding research https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=360057617362497&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://youtube/watch?v=ih9OQ2y9wBA youtube/watch?v=lymI67Y90m8 C.EVERARD, THE OUTSTANDING WORK OF RESEARCHER AND JOURNALIST https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=430092823692309&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=174&Itemid=30#p1319 BRIEN FOERSTER supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=236&Itemid=30#p1428 GREGG BRADDON for a cancer healing with thoughts and new conciousness https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=466073250094266&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=224&Itemid=30#p970 NICOLA TESLA - SD_ECBS support the outstanding research and work supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=126&Itemid=30#p1367 ZECHARIA SITCHIN A lifetime under attack.... supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=132&Itemid=30#p1113 GREETZ FROM CAROL ROSIN.... supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=136&Itemid=30#p1161 FREE INTERNET IS A HUMAN RIGHT! WOW THIS IS A SD_ECBS DATA-CONTAINER ON FACEBOOK FOR FREE. All information you will find by a click on the pic for more informartion service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SUPPORT US OUR WORK AND THE UNITED ARTISTS FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION.Post this all around..... Jimmy Carter Defends Edward Snowden, Says NSA Spying Has Compromised Nations Democracy huffingtonpost/2013/07/18/jimmy-carter-edward-snowden_n_3616930.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003&ir=World facebook/photo.php?fbid=278031548898438&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater NETWORK OF THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about FREE ENERGY, FREE RUNNING MACHINES AND ALL THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. POLITICS US-PRESIDENT EISENHOWER created the word of the INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=151&Itemid=30#p254 HISTORY OF THE OCCUPY-MOVEMENT supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=177&Itemid=30#p1141 SOCIAL POISONING WITH POLUTION AND THE BLOCKING OF THE REAL FREE ENERGY CONCEPTS SINCE 1269 The wasting of our planet for all time with nuclear power technology is just out of the fact that this technology is NOT DEVELOPED INTO A SAFE AND PROPER TECHNOLOGY. We we better stop! CHEMTRAILS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=118&Itemid=30#p1361 SOCIAL POISONING WITH VACCINES supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=142&Itemid=30 HEALTH DISCLOSURE CANCER HEALING supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=173&Itemid=30#p1372 PINAL GLAND supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=178&Itemid=30#p1307 CHEMTRAILS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=118&Itemid=30#p1361 NEW HEALING METHODS FOR MRSA supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=221&Itemid=30#p1362 SOCIAL POISONING WITH VACCINES supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=142&Itemid=30 SOCIAL POISONING WITH FLOURIDE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=199&Itemid=30 SOCIAL POISONING WITH DENTAL IMPACT ON THE ROOT CANAL AND THE DEFECTS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=233&Itemid=30 SOCIAL POISONING WITH DENTAL IMPACT ON FILLINGS WITH MERCURY supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=226&Itemid=30 SOCIAL POISONING WITH ELECTRIC WAVES supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=193&Itemid=30 SOCIAL POISONING WITH MANIPULATION ON THE SEEDS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=223&Itemid=30 ENVIRONENMENTAL PROTECTION WATCH DI CAPRIOS 11th hour! Save the planet! supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=146&Itemid=30#p1146 SOCIAL POISONING WITH CHEMTRAILS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=118&Itemid=30 RESCUE THE FORRESTS & DJUNGLES WE ALL ARE CONCERNED! supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=117&Itemid=30#p1355 SOCIAL POISONING WITH NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=209&Itemid=30 STOP ATTACKING THE WALES AND DESTROYING THE OCEANS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=119&Itemid=30#p1283 SOCIAL POISONING WITH PLASTICS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=225&Itemid=30 SOCIAL POISONING WITH FRACKING supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=194&Itemid=30 PROTECT OUR SEEDS!! 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Check our information and the pics we show in our nonprofit environmental support site. The artists of the myspace-community have all power to make all things come true. So organize it!!! Disclaimer When the United States needs eyes and ears in critical places where no human can reach – be it over the most rugged terrain or through the most hostile territory – it turns to the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). The NRO is the U.S. Government agency in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining America’s intelligence satellites. Whether creating the latest innovations in satellite technology, contracting with the most cost-efficient industrial supplier, conducting rigorous launch schedules, or providing the highest-quality products to our customers, we never lose focus on who we are working to protect: our Nation and its citizens. From our inception in 1961 to our declassification to the public in 1992, we have worked tirelessly to provide the best reconnaissance support possible to the Intelligence Community (IC) and Department of Defense (DoD). We are unwavering in our dedication to fulfilling our vision: Vigilance From Above. WARNING...Anyone hear this song shall not hold me liable for what I say or display. The content on this song is my opinion, not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual, or anyone or thing. Responsibility: I am fully responsible for the content of this song, not my employer, volunteer group, membership organization, church, or any other agencies which I might be seen to represent. Personal Views: These are my own personal views, which implies that I am responsible for them, not my employee or another agency. This song is solely my opinion. Protection from Commenters: I am not responsible, nor will be held liable, for anything anyone says in the blog comments, nor the laws which they may break in any country through their comments’ content, implication, and intent. No Harm Intended: My intention is to do no harm. To not injure others, defame, or liable. This is my opinion and advice, not counsel,and what I write on this song is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. If people use my advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations, and are injured, I am not to be held responsible. 1. Inhalt des Onlineangebotes Der Autor übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr für die Aktualität, Korrektheit, Vollständigkeit oder Qualität der bereitgestellten Informationen. 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Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 22:11:26 +0000

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