DR. BOBS DAILY: ANOTHER CELL PHONE/BRAIN TUMOR STUDY. HOW SHOULD WE THEN COMMUNICATE? Youve all heard the cell phone research over the years, reassuring us that cell phones are ok. One point that has always bothered me is that I read in an article many years ago that the initial safety research was done based on the assumption that people would only use a cell phone for a very limited amount of time every day. No one expected people to spend hours each day using their cell as their primary phone. So, thats always worried me. Yet, do I shun my cell phone? Nope. I use it as much as the next guy. Fortunately, I dont have a job that requires me to use a cell phone very much. So, this new study had two findings that I found interesting: 1. Starting cell phone use prior to the age of 20 years increased the risk by just a little bit, compared to those who started using cells at a later age and 2. For those using a cell for 25 years or longer, the risk of a brain tumor tripled. The study also describes some increased risk from cordless phones. This article provides links to other studies that dont show a brain tumor risk. The main feature of the study seems to be that LONG TERM use is the worry. As a family, weve basically stopped answering our home phone when it rings because its usually a telemarketer anyway. We mainly use our cells. Our kids dont get cellphones until 7th grade, but they barely talk on them (1. they are boys, and 2. they text). So, if even cordless phones are a risk, what are we supposed to do? Talk on a home phone with an actual cord? Do they even make those anymore? It annoys me slightly how much kids text, instead of having actual live conversations. But maybe texting is better from a brain tumor standpoint? I dont know. Whenever Im going to have a long phone conversation, I often sit in my car and use the bluetooth speaker system. Using a bluetooth earpiece or an ear plug with a cord may be even better. I see people walking around, talking with a corded ear plug in their ear while they hold their cell in their hand, and I think to myself, Thats weird. That cord seems so annoying to use. But, maybe they are right? Maybe its safer, if you are going to routinely have long cell phone conversations? But it seems to me that cell phones are here to stay, regardless of whether or not there truly is a brain tumor risk. Is that right? Do we just accept that? IF its even true. Or do we bail on cellular technology and go back to the dark ages? I hate not having enough information to make a decision on something. Seems like when that happens, we just put it on the back burner, or take it off the burner altogether and forget about it. So what do you all do? Are you part of the cell phones cause brain tumors crowd or part of the no they dont crowd? And what is the best way to at least mitigate the effects if there is some possible harm? Dr. Bob
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:39:23 +0000

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