DR HARRIS MS RECIPIE……………….. Here is the therapeutic - TopicsExpress


DR HARRIS MS RECIPIE……………….. Here is the therapeutic technique needed to make this happen. I have had extensive experience treating MS, and the results have been excellent using natural medical products instead of medications. In fact, I did an informal study on six patients with severe MS that were all failures of medical treatment, and their seven major symptoms all improved by more than 90% in 12 months or less. We now know the following about MS: 1. It is an autoimmune disease which is due to the immune system mistakenly attacking your own nerve tissue as if it was an alien invader. 2. The damaged nerves are all inflamed. 3. The nerve damage is widespread and will not heal by itself. 4. There is NO medication that has ever been proven to heal or regenerate damaged nerves. In order to halt the progression of damage and produce improvement, you must: 1. Prevent further damage from occurring. 2. Reduce the inflammation. 3. Heal the nerve damage. 4. Rebalance the immune system. I would recommend the following: 1. Fast Relief Capsules 2 capsules three times daily for 4 months, then 2 capsules twice daily. This will decrease the inflammation. 2. Fast Relief Nerve Health Support 2 capsules three times daily for 6 months, then 2 capsules twice daily. This product has ingredients proven to protect the nerve cells from further damage, as well as heal and regenerate damaged nerve cells. 3. If your symptoms include pain, apply Fast Relief Gel to the affected areas every 3-4 hours throughout the day. Decrease the frequency of application gradually to twice daily as the pain subsides. 4. Moducare 2 capsules three times daily for 3 months, then 2 cap twice daily for 3 months, then 1 capsules twice daily 5. Tru-Blue 2 capsules twice daily for 3 months, then 1 capsule twice daily. It will help reduce inflammation, regenerate damaged nerves, prevent further damage and speed the healing process. 6. Eat a high protein, moderate fat diet with minimal carbs. The proteins are necessary for nerve healing to occur. The fats make up a large part of the cell walls and the coating around the nerves. Please remember that nerves heal slower than any other tissue in the body, so be very patient. Since you are living with the disease every minute of every day, it is difficult to see the improvement. I suggest that before you begin treatment, you list your seven most severe symptoms and grade them on a scale of 0-10 with 10 being the most severe. Re-grade each symptom once monthly without looking at the prior months ratings to give yourself a good idea of your true progress.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 05:58:57 +0000

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