DRAUPADIS EMERGENCE FROM SACRIFICIAL ALTAR Ved Vyas narrated Draupadis emergence in most beautiful way possible, Starbharat also adopted some shloks from it and made a beautiful background music. Ved Vyas also narrates, her beauty to Pandavs and Kunti.... And there arose, after this from the centre of the sacrificial platform, a daughter also, called Panchali, who, blest with great #good_fortune, was exceedingly handsome. Her eyes were black, and large as lotus-petals, her complexion was dark, and her locks were blue and curly. Her nails were beautifully convex, and bright as burnished copper; her eye-brows were fair, and bosom was deep. Indeed, she resembled the veritable daughter of a #celestial born among men. Her body gave out fragrance like that of a blue lotus,perceivable from a distance of full two miles. Her beauty was such that she had no equal on earth. Like a celestial herself, she could be desired (in marriage) by a celestial, a Danava, or a: Yaksha. When this girl of fair hips was born an incorporeal voice said, This dark-complexioned girl will be #the_first_of_all_women, and she will be the cause of the destruction of many Kshatriyas. This slender-waisted one will, in time, #accomplish_the_purpose_of_the_gods, and along with her many a danger will overtake the Kauravas. On hearing these words, the Panchalas uttered a loud leonine roar, and the earth was unable to bear the weight of that joyous concourse. Now lets have a look at significance of her birth... And then from center of that sacrificial altar, arose a daughter also, called Panchali. She Arose from a sacrificial altar, which is always pure....and Thats what Panchali is O:) But, It makes me wonder, why Vedvyas here introduces this woman,as Panchali, in our first meeting with this beautiful woman ? Why not Krishna ? the copper skinned one ? Why not Yojangandhya ? Whose fragnance reached out to about 2 miles ?! Vedvyas calls her Panchali, which means princess of Panchal...but that also means a Puppet. This becomes clear when he says This slender-waisted one will, in time, accomplish the purpose of the gods, and along with her many a danger will overtake the Kauravas.. Yes, she was a gift of gods sent to Earth, to accomplish purpose of God, i.e to be a weapon to establish Dharma. Girl who was sent to this world to establish dharma and bring good fortune, herself became a prey to Adharm and bad fortunes.... What are your thoughts or ideas on birth of this celestial ?? Do comment :D ^_^ O:)
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:46:11 +0000

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