DRESS TO ATTRACT MEN AND NOT Mmmeeeee (Goats) LADIES! LADIES! LADIES! This is to the ladies in the house who love exposing their teat and bum. This is very wrong. As women, we ought to carry ourselves with pride. It is too bad that ladies don’t see anything wrong in exposing their body. The seductive body that we ladies have has been given to you for marital purpose and not for every Tom, Dick and Harry. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 the Bible says “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body”. Your body was bought with a price so you ought to respect and carry yourself like a reputable woman. The Bibles also says in Roman 12:1-2 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”. Your body is the temple of God so you should do everything to make your body conducive for the Holy Spirit. Exposing your body is not one of them. HOW DO WE LOOK WHEN WE EXPOSE OUR BODY PARTS? You look stupid, wayward, irresponsible, ungodly, ill-mannered, cheap, dirty, shameless, immodest etc. Some ladies don’t even have shame. Some ladies breast has already fallen but because they must show us their cleavage, they will now roll their breast up and put it inside Dunlop bra (push up bra). Who do you think you are deceiving? Some ladies who have saggy bum will now go and wear bum short or hot skirt. It is disgusting. Some ladies will wear low waist with a short top. When they bend down, you will be seeing their tong pants and their bum. It is very embarrassing. Some ladies who are busty will now carry the thing up with push up bra. Some ladies don’t even have anything yet they want to expose something. This isn’t right. When you dress properly you look good, sophisticated, beautiful, reasonable, classy, cultured, educated, angelic, modest etc. HOW DO MEN RESPOND TO OUR DRESSING? If you don’t know, men know an irresponsible lady when they see one. If you happen to dress provocatively, you will be attracting mmeee and not men. Those men already know how to get you. They already know how cheap and wayward you are so they don’t need to stress themselves. All they need do is to bring out the latest black berry phone/iPhone 8 (if there is anything like that). They put on a Rolex watch and you will be begging to go out with them. That is when “goats” use pickup lines like “nice ass” and you will be smiling. They woo you without any atom of respect. BUT When you dress properly men will crack their brain, they will recite their pick up lines over ten times to make sure it suits you. That is when you will hear men say “I summoned up courage to talk to you”. That is when you will hear men say “I like you a lot but I don’t know if you will feel the same towards me”. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS? Let me let you in on a secret. This is for all ladies. If the men who were to ask you out all through your days as a spinster are 100. The ones who are serious and mean business will be 3 out of the 100. They rest of them ask you out because they want to fulfil their selfish desires. For some ladies, men become serious when they see that you are a treasure worth keeping. Now when you are exposing your teats and bum to attract men, you are actually sending the wrong signals to the wrong men which increase the level of heart breaks. The men you attract when you dress provocatively are those that want to play and not settle down. Even if one way of the other they end up getting married to you. They will still be chasing after dirty things like you. When they cheat on you, you get angry, why? You are exposing you private body parts to the world and you get angry when they exposes their own part to them ladies. You are only deceiving yourself. When you expose your body parts to mmmeeee (goats), they will tell you that they love you. That is a big lie. They are only lusting after you. They just want to do and go. When they finish doing and breaking your heart, you will now start crying and asking God why. With tears in your eyes “Why me, at my age, I’m still dating losers. When am I going to settle down”? You are the one killing you by yourself. When you expose your body, do you know what you do to the men in the general public? Some of them are battling with their libido. When they see you with your hot skirt, their pennies will start misbehaving. Let me tell you something you don’t know. When they see you and start lusting after you, they have sinned. You have made them sin. If they will receive punishment yours will be double. Some ladies get raped and assaulted because of their dressing. If every lady was to dress properly, the rate of heart breaks, rape and assault will be reduced. WHAT DO I DO WITH MY OLD CLOTHS? I know some cloths are being designed to expose the body. The tops that are designed to expose your teat, just wear a camisole underneath. It will help blur the cleavage. For the butt wears make sure that the top you are wearing is long enough to cover your bum. If it isn’t long enough then wear a long camisole to cover your bum. Package yourself properly so that you will look good. I pray that God will give you the grace to be able to practice all what I have written. Sugar Loves u all.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 14:49:20 +0000

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