Daily Prayer 8.9.13 “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and - TopicsExpress


Daily Prayer 8.9.13 “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” – Revelation 11:15 “Father, like the man born blind, open my eyes. Let me say with Him: “I know only that before I was blind, but now I see.” I trust You, Lord. Amen.” A friend was telling me of how God had unmistakably spoken to him once, affirming in a powerful way that he was a princely and victorious child of God. My friend then proceeded to experience ten years of the worst discouragement and struggle in his life. “Only now”, said he, “am I beginning to understand how God used the struggles I went through to make me into the person He told me I already was.” We marveled that God often works this way. We linear-thinking humans expect everything in life to roll out like a movie script: A leads to B, and then to C; or, struggle, struggle, setback, struggle—Triumph! But God is not constrained by timelines. For God all time is the present. We, his faithful children, are perfect even as we are simultaneously being perfected. Jesus is victorious over evil even as evil fights tooth-and nail for the upper hand. His Kingdom is come, even while we wait expectantly for its fulfillment. The Apostles gloried in the accomplishment of God’s Kingdom on earth even as they were suffering systematic persecution, in the same way many of our Christian brothers and sisters hold this same joy and horror in tension today. The Gospels invite us to enter into a vision of reality that is not linear, but holistic. In faith, we are called to stand and live on the pinpoint where expectation and fulfillment are indeed one. Good morning, all! Please pray today for: Bob, as we all think of Jessie, and walk with him over these next few days. Sal; as she has her last day of radiation. Kristina and her Justin, for a speedy recovery from his surgery yesterday. Debbie, as she listens to discern God’s will for her. Harvey; for courage and strength. Marge and Jan; for their full recovery. Precious Lord, I pray for the wisdom to know and follow Your way, to live out Your vision of who I am, to reject service to any other system or project other than that which You prescribe for me. Teach me to know and do Your will. [silence] Loving God, we ask for Your powerful presence to be available to our friends in the form of Your peace, Your courage, Your healing and Your comfort this day. Let all of us be struck by Your power and become untiring witnesses to Your rule in our lives and in this place. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:21:13 +0000

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