Daily bread: Be wise like an eagle Scripture: Deuteronomy - TopicsExpress


Daily bread: Be wise like an eagle Scripture: Deuteronomy .32:11[NKJV] 11 As an eagle stirs up its nest, Hovers over its young, Spreading out its wings, taking them up, Carrying them on its wings. ………………………………………………………. Good morning the flock of Jesus. Mangwanani vanhu vaMwari! Ita Aaaaamen anobhowa satan! An eagle is a bird that is mentioned several times in the Bible and is associated with leadership. It is well known for its very good eye sight. It can see well from above 5000 feet (1500 meters). It can see horizontally from a distance of over 50 kilometres across. The Bible in the book of Proverbs, says, my people perish because of lack vision. Some of you do not even know or have never thought of how and where they will be in 5 years from now. The Bible is not saying, people perish because of witchcraft or evil attacks but lack of vision. When an eagle sees a mouse from the top of a building it calculates exactly where it will catch it within the shortest space of time. The same applies to us in our planning for tomorrow, some do lack the vision of what it will be next time. Am I speaking to somebody? In addition, and eagle has no fear and it can lift objects bigger or heavier than it is such as a goat or a buck. If it is a big snake, it lifts the snake up high because it knows on the ground it will not stand the snake. The same applies to us the flock of Jesus, we have to change our level of operation, we have to lift our levels. You can realise that big projects will require capital that is beyond your resources but you can take the problem into your prayer room and tell our big and rich God. You get to another level that is spiritual because you know in the physical you will not make it. Take the challenge to your altar, another level and command fear and poverty out of your life. When you cast out fear you are ready to take any risk because most of the richest people on earth are risk takers. Also, an eagle does not eat dead animals, but feeds on fresh meat. Do not rely on old deals, opportunities, old jobs and start looking for new jobs from new ideas. Have the sight to locate new projects. Do not be a dead eater. In addition, an eagle takes advantage of the storm, yet other birds hide from it. When a storm comes, during the time which other birds are hiding, the eagle starts gliding and goes higher in the sky to locate better opportunities. Children of God take advantage of the storms in your life and go a level higher. You have to be tested in order to get a testimony. Be like Paul and Silas who celebrated in prison instead of crying and wailing to God because of their situation. They glorified God and their situation was taken care of. Celebrate regardless of your situation. Praise God with an empty pocket. The devil wants to see long and miserable faces but upset the devil by doing the opposite of his expectations through praising with singing, dancing, shouting, clapping hands, jumping and even running. Rumbidza Mwari zvinobowa satan. Rumbidza zvinobhowa vavengi vako. Ipa vavengi vako stress by praising the Lord in the middle of hardships. When an eagle is constructing its nest it uses thorns inside so that when the chicks are ready to fly out, they are forced to fly on their own because of the discomfort. The same applies to our children we must not spoil them in as much as we love them. We have to give our children tough love so that they do not go astray. They need our guidance because the world out there is waiting to destroy them, is waiting to capture them into destructive habits. Take them out of the comfort zone in order for them to learn and know the challenges of life. Ngavarairwe kuti vasatorwe nemhepo dzenyika. A true leader creates other leaders, not followers. And eagle is the only bird that can survive for over 50 years. It removes all old feathers and its beak then develops new ones. The same applies to us God’s children, we need to look at ourselves, evaluate our behaviours and ask God to renew ourselves, our businesses and our projects. The major problem in terms of our renewal is the mouth, we talk too much. We must learn to listen more, see more and talk less. Once you follow the above principles, you shall realise that your life will change from bad to good and good to better until you reach the best. Glory be to God. Mbiri kunaJesu. Shout, “I am wise like an eagle! I am renewed every day! I rise like an eagle! I resurrect by the resurrection power of my Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. My Jesus! Abbah! My source!” Let there be light – the light that pushes away darkness
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 06:12:59 +0000

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