Dangerous of #All ceylon Salaf council & warning abt its leader - TopicsExpress


Dangerous of #All ceylon Salaf council & warning abt its leader Yahya Silmy Dangerous of #All India Salaf council & warning abt its leader JAHIL JALAL 1. He is unable to do dawah salafiya properly in his land ( Srilanka ) for the past 15 years. 2. how many students of knowledge he produced ? 3. he just want to spread his name and promote his dawa . 4. he criticize abu khadeja but Abu khadeja is always using Tele – link of Kibarul Ulema 1. Shaykh Rabee ibn hadee al-madkhalee 2. Shaykh muhamed bin hadee 3. Shaykh ubaid- aljabiree still now yahya silmy didn’t give any tele – link of Kibarul ulema but says I have contact with shaykh rabee , he said to me like this like that…. simply showing some written tazkiya of shaykh rabee and Shaykh Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahhaab Aala-Aqeel said he is Aalim. people say yahya silmy tazkiya is old one , he is changed etc If yahya silmy is truth ( so close with shaykh rabee ) why he cant get recording of shaykh rabee but he hesitate for that and always yahya silmy and his follower answer “ u go and ask shaykh rabee “ 5. yahya silmy always gives different fatwas and bring fiqh issues to show him differently from others and accuse other ulemas because of fatwa and says he want to review the Sunnah . 6. Yahya silmy accuse salafi kibarul ulema ( shaykh bin baz , shaykh uthaimeen ) that they are following hanbalee fiqh, because of them bidah people playing with fatwa… even shaykh Albani didn’t say these. 7. Yahya silmy want to show off that he is the only person following salafi manhaj at present. Even shaykh rabee is hanbali . 8. Yahya silmy now came to India - tamil nadu ( he didn’t get enough money or support in Srilanka ) he got many Professional people who give him lot of money, now he is focusing in Tamil nadu ( India ). 8. After srilanka yahya silmy entered India ( Tamil nadu ) and gave tazkiya to a person called Jalal , this jalal speaking about shaykh anjuri “ we do no about shaykh anjuri , where he studied , where is his tazkiya .. etc” and also for Abu Khadeja defending yahya silmy . we asked about jalal knowledge yahya silmy is still dump, we asked what is the level of jalal to speak . Jalal started speaking about shaykh anjuri ? Abu Khadeja ? Abu Talal zubair ? 10. In Tamil Nadu ( India ) whoever is with Jalal is salafi and who oppose him he is hizbee.. jalal have the authority to declare anyone in Tamil nadu as deivant if he didn’t support him. Yahya silmy follow jalal in tamil nadu 11. Do shaykh Rabee know how yahya silmy is playing in Tamil nadu ( India ) with jalal , for the sake of money .. do shaykh rabee know that jalal is speaking about shaykh Anjuri ? yahya silmy , Jalal , his blind followers answer “ yahya silmy came to Tamil nadu to say the Haqq ( truth ) no one is here and they say its nimmath ( blessing ) to have scholar in our language ( TAMIL )… jalal only called him , he didn’t come by himself.. jalal to make a separate track he got yahya silmy and he became the Aalim of India. Jalal is not earning any money nor yahya silmy.. … Jalal collects lot of money and shares with yahya silmy to live his luxury life. ( for eye wash they will say im doing business etc..) people with jalal and yahya silmy know very well that they are giving lot of money , so that they should not miss the Aalim which they got… ( jalal followers says “ jalal is working for us , without him how we can get salafi dawa, he is guiding us to straight path, so all people give some money from your salary )….. the best way to earn money without working and doing dawa. The pathetic thing is these people don’t have contact with Ulemas and they haven’t seen any ulemas , when they got yahya silmy ( only Aalim ) they started following him blindly., whatever he says they will accept. 12. Now yahya silmy entering to Kerela ( India ) what is the purpose : by saying that abu talal zubair is doing mistake , shaykh anjuri is wrong.. etc … now yahya silmy want to spread the haqq in kerela.. now he I started saying he got benefitted from shaykh Albani,bin baz,uthaimeen to attract people and to form a team for him in Kerela. 13. Yahya silmy formed AISC ( ALL INDIA SALAF COUNCIL ) to show that he is the Aalim in India and he always have a pride that he only brought salafi dawah in south Asia , the reviver of the Sunnah, Albani of Tamil people etc.. he want to show off like Kibarul Ulema… 14. Why shaykh rabee cant speak about mistake of shaykh Anjuri and Abu Khadeja but yahya silmy accuse him and say they are co operating with hizbiyoon, they are wrong…. because shaykh yahya silmy dawah got affected , many people got away from him, his strength is decreasing, his financial support got affected. 15. After the death of shaykh Rabee no one will be able to control yahya silmy… he will be the kibarul ulema of this era and reviver of Sunnah and Imam of jarah wa tadeel… he is the only person following salafi manhaj in Fiqh at present. Only the Ignoramuses would think and defend #ACSC & AISC . Allaah knows the best.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:08:41 +0000

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