Darkness in the City of Light Paris has long been known as the - TopicsExpress


Darkness in the City of Light Paris has long been known as the City of Light. In recent days however, a dreadful darkness has enveloped this city, not because of industrial calamity, political calamity, nor economic calamity, but because of religious calamity at the hands of radical Muslims (a.k.a. servants of Satan). A small faction of religious zealots has captured worldwide notoriety in the last year because of their bloodlust and merciless slaughter of anyone who disagrees with their skewed religious views-Paris being the latest victim. How can humans beings, created in the image of God, be so evil? When you allow your sinful human nature to dictate your religious views instead of allowing the true God to guide you, there is no limit to the depths to which you will plummet. You begin to call wrong right, and right wrong (Isaiah 5:20). You begin to hate others who disagree with you, and conform your religious views to justify your hatred. Who are these Muslims? Ultimately they are Arabs, which descended from the biblical patriarch Abraham through his son Ishmael. Ishmael is an example of what happens when we fail to wait on the promises and the timing of God. Abraham’s wife Sarah became impatient with God concerning His promise to send them a son, so she tried to “help” God by using her servant Hagar to get what she wanted. Jeremiah 17:5 says “cursed be the man that trusteth in man,” and the world has definitely been cursed as a result of this foolish decision ever since! What is so significant about that you may ask? Consider this prophecy from the Lord Himself concerning Ishmael and his future offspring: “…he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand will be against him (Genesis 16:12).” This prophecy was spoken over 3,000 years ago, and rings very true today. The children of Ishmael are wreaking havoc anywhere they can today in honor of their man-made god, Allah. How ironic that they refer to him as “Most Merciful,” yet when they threaten people who disagree with them they say they will have no mercy!! How directly opposite of the true God of the Bible! In John 16:2, Jesus spoke of a time that would come, when whoever kills you will think he is doing God service. Exactly what the children of Ishmael are doing today in Benghazi, Australia, Paris, Iraq, Syria, and wherever else they can act out their false doctrine. What is a city like Paris to do in the wake of this tragedy? As we saw earlier, they do not need to trust in themselves or other countries to come to their rescue. They need to cry out to Almighty God and trust Him to heal and forgive and strengthen their beloved city. No matter how many diplomats march in “protest” against terrorism, there will never be any real victory until we allow the Lord Jesus Christ to rule and reign in our lives. Once this begins to happen, the true Light will begin to shine and snuff out the darkness of terrorism, and there will be cities of Light all around the world. -Daniel Lytch
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:02:07 +0000

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