David Gregory (Meet The Press) Adds ‘Conservative’ Opinion - TopicsExpress


David Gregory (Meet The Press) Adds ‘Conservative’ Opinion After Conservative David Brooks Won’t Hate Obama Enough: DAVID BROOKS: It seemed superficially unimportant, but it’s important to remember race is his first subject, as it would be if you had a black father and a white mother. He brings to all the other issues, the way he framed race and the way he started thinking about race, his tendency to do on the one hand, on the other, his desire to reconcile opposites, his ability to see different points of view, all the stuff we’ve seen him come to apply to every other issue, it started with race. I thought this speech was one of the highlights, I thought it was a symphony of indignation, professionalism, executive responsibility, personal feeling. It had all these different things woven together. I thought beautifully. But it’s important to remember, race is how he started. DAVID GREGORY: Again, I come back because I want to make sure to represent that other side as well. Some conservatives have said, look, this was the wrong moment to inject race into the trial, their view, and for the president to speak out in this way. DAVID BROOKS: Yeah. I guess I would disagree with him. I think if the young man had been a white kid and the older guy had been a black guy, it would be a different story. And the president said that. And I think that happens to be true. Gregory wants to make sure he gives weight to the white conservatives who don’t think this black President should have spoken - White people deciding when the black President can discuss his experiences. No one ever asked whether George W Bush should be discussing his white childhood experiences. His experiences were not considered offensive. And this is indicative of the problem. It should surprise no one that the first black President would need to avoid issues of race, so that Americans who were frightened off of him by a desperate Republican Party’s southern strategy might be able to relax a bit. Obama is no more all about race than a white person is all about race. Obama is a thinker. He’s a strategist. He’s often the smartest person in the room, and he didn’t get there by focusing on race. He got there by transcending other people’s limited ideas about race. See the link for details.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 19:56:56 +0000

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