Day 10 - November 15, 2014 Answered Prayer - 1) Bacterial - TopicsExpress


Day 10 - November 15, 2014 Answered Prayer - 1) Bacterial infection was identified and chest tube incision was thought to be the site of infection so chest tube was removed and fever stayed at 98.8-98.9 all day; 2) chest and abdominal CT scans came back clear; 3) maintained oxygen levels with reduced 40% vent support and some other ventilator settings; 4) all 3 grandchildren came to visit today and he opened his eyes when we told him they were there. Specific prayer needs - 1) lungs are still not clearing. When they laid him flat to remove chest tube, he turned red in the face and breathing was distressed. The dr. explained to me that when you lay flat, your other organs push up against the lungs making it harder to breathe. 2) they still havent gotten him off sedation long enough for him to wake up and do the neurological assessment. When his eyes are open, they are unfocused and if you move your hand in front of his eyes, he doesnt blink. Please pray for the lungs to heal so the vent tube can be removed and for him to remain stable when they take him off sedation so that he can wake up and do the neuro assessment. As I was typing on my phone today, I was fighting with auto correct as I typed. I would type in the word/s I wanted to say and auto correct would change some words thinking it knew what I wanted to say, making a nonsense sentence. While I was doing that, I thought we are so much like auto correct. God is the author and He has a plan and knows exactly the story He wants to write for our lives. He begins the story and everything is written perfectly, just as He planned, and then we begin editing the story, changing words and eventually changing the meaning of the story because we think we know what He really meant to write. Whoa! These things I have spoken to you, that in me you would have Peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 No more auto correct!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 03:44:40 +0000

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