Day #12 - There are many things I know - and really have no - TopicsExpress


Day #12 - There are many things I know - and really have no conscious reason to know - but I know and have a HUGE desire to consciously learn why. Each time I take this journey within self, I expand my mind and open the channels to my soul that much deeper. I feel with each layer of my journey in learning and remembering, it provides me with greater opportunity to teach. Ive been exploring deeply the journey of the soul, what it means and why. In observation of my OWN life as well as what I remember to this point of past lives, this journey is making more sense to me. I am finding myself with a deeper understanding of me and my personal journey as well as that with others. My greatest awareness has quietly created a shift within me that I discovered tonight in reflection of the day, clients and conversations. I consciously am finding myself more compassionate with people. This is an interesting feeling for me as I dont have a lot of patience in general, I dont rescue people - period, and I lose faith in people quickly when they dont follow through with their commitments, to themselves. Meditation - On point! Workout - No cardio. Body Breakthrough - Yes!!! Writing - Duh! ;) Integrity - this can be defined many different ways, within many different people. We all have our OWN definition. What Integrity means to me is staying true to me, my desires in personal growth, staying true to my word, speaking my truth, and staying true to my commitments, most importantly - to Myself. As you read my definition, you see the word Truth unintentionally appears many times. I have recently experienced an awareness within self - my journey in this lifetime is Living MY Truth. For anyone who deeply knows me, youll know that I cannot lie. Ive always struggled with this my whole life calling myself the worst liar in the world. For this, I am grateful. In regards to Integrity of and within myself - this morning I got up at 4:30AM to give my dog a drink. Was awakened again at 4:45 which is magic, and chose NOT to get up as I was and have been exhausted the past couple of days. Then the next thing I know, its 5:55AM and I just really opened my eyes… DO OVER!!! Tomorrow will once again be Day #1 - Period. I choose not to break this commitment to myself, not to game this challenge. How I show up here and in every other aspect of my life - is exactly what will be presented to me in return. I create my OWN reality! See yall tomorrow! Good Night ;)
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 06:50:04 +0000

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