Day 172-An Active Brain Without "Time" Interfering? Yesterday we - TopicsExpress


Day 172-An Active Brain Without "Time" Interfering? Yesterday we ended with the question of seeing non-analytically and seeing directly? Did you ask your self this question and what was your answer? Also is the person seeing are they different from that which he or she is seeing? Are we together in this? That is where there is division there must be conflict. It is a natural law. There is conflict between the Arabic and the Jew, the Hindu and Muslim, Christian and so on, you follow? Conflict is corruption this is a law. We have lived with this pattern for centuries that the thinker is different then the thought. So the thinker is always trying to dominate thought but the thinker is thought. When we observe attachment to some person or thing like a car is the person who is attached different from him self or herself? Obviously not, there fore when there is no division there fore no conflict the whole process of attachment comes to end. Do not accept a thing that anyone says especially the writer, please test this for your self and let me know what happened? Test it see what you are actually attached/tied to? You may be attached to your brother, sister, pope, priest, bishop, boss, girl friend, boy friend, wife, husband and all the rest, if you are, just observe it? But if you like to be attached and all the consequences of attachment then so be it, it is perfectly your right? But if you want to find out if there is an action that is correct under all circumstances then you have to be free from all attachment and all values. Because when you observe attachment it is intelligence that is seeing the whole process of it. Not analysis, so where there is intelligence there is correct action. Intelligence is not knowledge or accumulated information where there is insight into attachment that insight is intelligence. So where there is intelligence there is correct action. Please don’t depend on the writer for anything, look at your selves and find out? Humankind has lived with corruption for a million years and all of their action must bring conflict and corruption. Our actions are based on ideals, concepts and values, which are all the product of thought. There is no divine absolute value even though the priest may say that. If one does say this it is the activity of there own thinking. So there is an action that is completely whole and uncorrupted in ones daily life not in some temple or monastery, cave of some sort. That is can a human being live in this world with that intelligence, which is born out of an insight for example into attachment. Insight means having full comprehension of the process of attachment instantly or immediately. I don’t know if you have had an insight of some sort occasionally? That insight is not memory or the process of value or a conclusion it is a second of complete comprehension of that which you see totally. That is the essence of intelligence and that intelligence which is not your or mine is always active and correct. The writer thinks that you should try this, do it and see what take place? As you are viewing this talk observe your actions and your attachments whether it be with a priest, mother, father, sister, car, house, picture of someone what ever it is look at it right now, just look at it, observe it. See if you can have a perception a seeing of the whole cause and consequences of this attachment instantly/immediately? Because that implies the freedom from time. As we have said that the brain is the result of time, unless you are in total denial? It has evolved over millions of years from the primitive cells to very complex cells. And that has taken time, which means evolution. So we are saying that the brain is functioning according to the pattern of “time”. All of this is really quite simple if one gives their minds to it? The brain functions in the mold of time, which is yesterday, today and tomorrow. Time inwardly psychologically as I want to be, I hope to be and I want that this is a movement of time. When one look forward to seeing you tomorrow that is time being enabled, this is having hope. So the brain operates functions through time because it has evolved through time in the process of time. We have lived this way for a million years. It is not just outward physical time yesterday today and tomorrow but there is also inward time, time of the mind and that is what we are talking about. So the brain functions acts and response to things in time. That pattern has been established for a million years and we are still in that pattern and if there is no end to this time the patterns will be repeated over and over again. Look as we said the other day we need time to become something if one wants to be a chemist, doctor, teacher we need time to acquire knowledge skill and action. We have allowed that same pattern to spill over in the psychological realm. I need time to be good, I need time to be non-violent, I need time to be unselfish, but when one says that they need time to be unselfish that is the very essence of selfishness. So our brains are always functioning in time. Time is a movement physically from here to there and time is also becoming something psychologically, I am not a good person but I will be. That is a movement from “what is” to what should be that movement is also thinking which implies that time is thinking. This pattern on which we have lived has not changed humankind. There fore is there a possibility of breaking this pattern and we said there is. Follow me slowly and you will see, analysis is a process of time and when we have an insight into analysis then that analysis ends because insight is not of time. Lets say that we have a desire for something and that desire can be analyzed or one can have an insight into it, if you analyze it then you go into it looking for a conclusion, I will see if it is right, wrong, it should be or should not be then you are repeating the pattern but if you end it instantly then it is gone for good. The actual ending of time is what is important because it is the ending of what has been which is the pattern of psychological becoming. Is the writer forcing you in some way to think in a certain way because of his commitment to freeing humankind? Or are we moving together in all of this? You see people have question time and said that there has to be a stop to time and the only way to do this is by controlling thought because thought is a movement in time, thought is time. Do you understand what we are saying? We are saying that it can be ended with observation without distortion of what is actually going on which are the reactions in yourself the reactions in attachment and why you are attached and what are the consequences, to see the whole of that instantly/immediately. This must be clear, is it? REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 00:38:46 +0000

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