Day 27: Today is friendship day for me. some of these I have - TopicsExpress


Day 27: Today is friendship day for me. some of these I have already mentioned, but for this post must be repeated. I am thankful for survivor friendships. These are the battered freindships that survive the war zone. You go through ups and downs and have knock down drag outs and come out still loving each other even if you dont always like each other. Kellie Crabtree Hall and I didnt speak or see each other for over 10 years over a disagreement that should have been just that, a disagreement. I love her like a sister and my heart aches to be with her as she goes through this difficult time in her life. We are still so different on some things, but I honestly believe our frienship could never be severed again. No one can do battle like me and Kristina Ingram. We have survived some major ones. We have cried together, laughed together, and wanted to kill one another. But never once have we quit loving each other. I think it is safe to say we will probably continue to disagree on some things, at least until she starts thinking the right way (like me) lol. I will always love you, my friend. I promise to always lift you up in prayer and help you anyway I can. Now I honestly believe that God has a sense of humor. In case some of you dont know, I love to be in control. I am so determined not to let people who have decided to throw our relationship away hurt me anymore that I hardened myself to new relationships. I put up walls and was not gonna let anyone else in that I didnt know 100% I could trust. The people I trust are a very very small number. I meant I was gonna be in control of my relationships and there would be no new ones. Well, let me say today, I am thankful for new and unexpected friendships. Leslie Reed, we havent known each other long. Maybe one day I will be able to explain why you would have been one of the last people I would have expected to have as a friend. I am so thankful, though, that we are becoming friends. You have helped me in ways that you dont even realize. It is nice to know there is another psychotic woman in town who loves to give her kids something to talk about. You bring joy and encouragment. I pray we have more years to get to know each other better, to encourage each other to become women of God, and to laugh and our families begin to make memories together. I am thankful for faithful friends. I have spent so much time feeling sorry for myself because of those who have wronged or abandoned me, that I have not been thankful for what has always been right in front of my eyes. How foolish I have been when I have these friends who have always been loyal. Nikki, my oldest baby, you have always been loyal. You have always had mommys back.The joy you bring me is unmeasurable, and I am so proud to not only call you my daughter, but my friend. Angel face, you are my accountability partner, even though you are wrong sometimes (like your daddy). You are the definition of loyal and I am sorry if I dont let you know how much I appreciate you. I couldnt ask for a better friend. Gabie, I know you and I seem to disagree, but I think we are more alike than you want to admit. I see God trying to do some things in your life and I pray for you as your mommy. I also have seen lately, how you have been their to defend me and support me. I havent let you know enought that I am proud of the man you are becoming and I am proud that we can just spend time together as friends. Carolyn, I know that it is only recently that we have become close, but I count you as one of the most loyal friends I have ever had. You are so faithful and fun. You let me vent and I dont have to always be perfect and you still love me. I dont care what the blood test would show. You are my sister. You are my friend. Robin, I think we are an unlikely friendship. By most peoples standards, we should be at war with each other, but you have saved me emotionally more times than you know. My Nikki is blessed to have you as a MILOD. The Bible says that laughter is like a medicine. Well, God has used you to help bring me healing many times. Mama, my biggest cheerleader, you have always had my back. I have not always realized it and for that I am sorry. My life is a success because of you. You are the best friend I have ever had and I am sorry I have not been everything I should have been for you. You bring my heart joy and my mind peace. I love you! Ronnie, I kind of lost sight for a little while of what our relationship should be. We disagree so strongly on some things and that affected the friendship part of our relationship. But no one has loved me more than you or been more loyal to me than you. You are my best friend and my only love-you always have been. So today-I am thankful for friendships.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 17:16:43 +0000

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