Day +49: Hi everyone & happy new year! I was hoping to push - TopicsExpress


Day +49: Hi everyone & happy new year! I was hoping to push my update off until day +50 just to check in and say nothing out of the ordinary was happening - and for the most part that is true. All my counts have been going up and looking good, but earlier this week at my Monday clinic appointment they found an increase viral load in my blood work for the EBV virus, or mono (that fun virus that almost put off my transplant a few months ago). They had me go back to clinic today to see what the trend in the virus was. Sometimes the lab results are a little finicky and it could read a false positive. Unfortunately, that is not the case for me. My viral count is trending up. They have had patients in the past that if a virus pops up like this, whether its mono or the flu, it can completely stop the engrafting process and create a lot of big problems. This is why it is so important for me to stay away from big crowds, germy people, and to stay as healthy as possible. Luckily for me, even though the virus load is trending up it isnt overly worrisome at this point - the rest of my blood counts have not plummeted and I have been otherwise asymptomatic. The plan of action is to hopefully nip this in the bud by putting me on an additional IV med..that I dont remember the name of... administered once a week for 4-5 hours when I go for my clinic appointments. Overall, it isnt good news but it also isnt the most terribly awful news either. I know it could be a lot worse. Going into this, I knew to expect the unexpected and that could mean speed bumps and set backs along the way. Even so, Im happy that we have a plan and that I still feel good. This will most likely set me back a little in terms of recovery as the IV med will kill off B cells (fun fact - B cells are infection fighting cells. When you get mono, it lives in those cells. so by targeting and killing off the B cells with this med, it also helps to get rid of mono)... Sooner or later though, Ill get back to my old healthy self! Aside from med updates, Im back at home, have my little rascal of a dog back around to keep me company, and have been feeling better everyday. I get bored a lot with an over abundance of me time, but Ive been filing the void of my social life with lots of walks with my dog, tv, books, and of course trivia crack because its very addicting. Im looking forward to finishing off my life detour with AA soon and to have 2015 be the start of many healthy years to come!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:40:59 +0000

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