Day - TopicsExpress


Day 396_Self-control 我們行事, 飲食, 運動, 都可以看出我們是否具有足夠的自制力。 造成我們自制力不足的原因, 常是因為 ...we have all this desire from ourselves for the long-term, but then in the short-term we do very different things。 Dan Ariely以自身接受藥物試驗治療C肝 (hepatitis C)的經驗為例, 說明自制力的影響力。 他有兩個選擇: 1. 一週注射三次,注射後的16小時有副作用,連續一年半,有可能痊癒。 2. 不參加實驗,可能會因為肝硬化 (liver cirrhosis)而死亡。 他做了第一個選擇, 進行了一年半的注射, 他的肝病因而痊癒。 必須一提的是, 他是唯一一個持續注射而恢復健康的病患, 原因在 the fact is that when we are facing those decisions between something that is immediate and unpleasant versus something that is good, really good but in the long-term future, we often over-focus on the present and sacrifice the future。 他又舉了幾個有關自制力的故事/事例: 1. 亞當和夏娃的故事 An apple or eternity in the garden of Eden? 2. Texting while driving (1和2有其相似性) 3. 巧克力獎勵 立刻吃半盒或等待一週可拿到一盒 我們要如何看得遠, 有耐心, 願意等待更好的結果? Dan Ariely分享了兩個方式: 1. reward-substitution 例如,他注射後,在副作用產生前,先看他喜歡的影片。 2. self-control contract (a situation in which we know we will be tempted. And were doing something to make [ourselves] not able to be temped.) 例如,Ulysses and the Sirens ancienthistory.about/od/odyssey1/ss/062508POdyssey_6.htm 例如,鼠和鴿的按鈕實驗 https://ehsweb.wordpress/2013/06/17/the-self-control-challenge/ 他的論點: ...if we create something that allows us to bypass temptation - like Ulysses contract - maybe we have some hope, maybe we can overcome temptation。 他也指出可運用科技來增進自己抵抗誘惑的意志力。 例如, StickK用來減重 stickk/ 還有其他的方式。 但是要謹慎思考: How do we design a world to help us overcome our temptation and how do we do it without obstructing too much with our human freedom and rights. 拿捏之間, 要得宜。 https://youtube/watch?v=PPQhj6ktYSo
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:28:38 +0000

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