Day58.... Well time to say goodnight to another Osho Pune4 - TopicsExpress


Day58.... Well time to say goodnight to another Osho Pune4 celebration day... As this day passes we step a day closer, inch by inch, to the opening of the inviting doors of Oshos Pune4 Ashram... Now our star today, Diogenes, was an interesting character and fiercely independent in his authenticity. Remind you of someone? True Osho was more attracted to luxurious lifestyles but they both heavily committed themselves to living and saying the Truth. Diogenes lived with dogs on the streets whilst Osho preferred Rolls-Royces, marble showers and posture supporting beds. Diogenes often talked of dogs being more naturally authentic then many men! And Osho too pulled no punches especially when hammering on politicians and priests. Living amongst the dogs, on the streets, Diogenes served up some very cutting, very raw, insights to politicians, teachers, Alexander, Plato and Aristotle. On the other hand he spoke kindly about his mentor Socrates and clearly loved Oshos beloved inquisitive hemlock sipper. Tomorrow will bring us closer to March 21st (Osho Enlightenment Day) and the final days of this Raw Juice Osho celebration. .... and I must say Im feeling a little sad to see the last days on the horizon.... There are other things on the horizon too! Including I see the worlds largest democracy is voting for parliamentarians soon in India. Lets hope this massive political process, over the coming days, will have some positive and nurturing spin-offs for the birth of a fresh start in Oshos Pune Ashram. There will be lots of puja over the coming pre-election days and some politicians may well be open to promising attention for a renaissance of interest in Oshos work. The promotion of spiritual well-being and mental well-being will be big agenda items for voters. How ironic to think that Osho, who relentlessly bagged politicians, may find himself finally freed from the anti-Osho Pune3 mismanagement problems by a parallel political election! Osho could soon be re-elected and appointed once again the central focal inspirational point around which a rotating group of 21 sincere devotees will manage his legacy and the future of his Pune commune. Good night!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:23:02 +0000

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